... You will love God above all things, your neighbor and yourself |
Jesus Christ said (it is not about religiosity ...), I am the Truth, and he was referring to his teachings, that is, that the Truth is love. Thus, the one or those who know how to teach, transmit, communicate to others what love is and how it is loved will be in possession of the Truth and will be the way, just as Jesus Christ is. "Whoever believes in me will not die, but will obtain eternal life" continues Jesus, but what is it to believe but to put into practice, to live according to their convictions? In this case, to live expressing love.
When we were little we believed that we loved others by being good, kind, charitable, humble ... sometimes we didn't even understand what those words meant, and no one ever explained it to us. The religions did not know better, they did not know how to teach us to love in a practical way.
If you know what the Way (love) is, if you know what the Truth (love) is, you will be rewarded with eternal life, that is, you will be healed, because love heals.
In short, there is only one Truth and one Path, and that is Love. The Path cannot be traveled without Truth and Truth cannot be obtained without traveling that Path.
Perhaps someone could think at this time and where is God in all this? and I answer him: It is impossible to love others and love oneself (live with love), and not love God, because when you love your neighbor you are channeling Love, the Energy of God. When you love your neighbor, creation, yourself, you are automatically loving God, impossible not to do so.
... and you will love God above all things, ... and you will live forever ...
Damián Alvarez
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