Thursday, April 2, 2020

Healing Prayer for Corona Virus Protection (All against Corona Virus)

Sentence. Act of Love, Joy, Happiness and Full Satisfaction 


Before any work with healing energies we make a prayer to know ( "go looking" / "ask them"), whence come the energy, directing them to where and for what purposes and / or motives.

Well done all prayer consists of 3 parts:

1. Who you ask (we will ask God, so we know where they come from healing energies Some ask the energies of the universe, the forces of light,. planets, etc. in the universe there are many energies as well as you know for better or worse. I do not understand why people believe in milk but not in cow, who prefer to drink bottled directly from the source. we will drink of Source, we will approach God and also be sure that it is God who heals through us).
2. What you ask
3. Protection

For example , in the prayer of the "Our Father" we ask the "Our Father who is in heaven" (Part 1), ordered several "things" spiritual and physical (part 2) and the end protection, "let us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" (part 3)

Anywhere at any time is suitable for prayer


God, send healing to be well, happy, happy, fully balanced, totally healthy, have peace of mind, peace, comfort, and heal me (any type of symptom, disease, emotional state, sentimental , mental negative, etc.),  sTRENGTHENS MY IMMUNE SYSTEM aND ELIMINATES ANY VIRUS MY BODY HARMFUL,   protect me from all negative energies, all the bad people and all negative beings, at all levels, all levels and all dimensions .

This prayer will use before doing any work with healing energies.

Sentence. Act of the human being Freely approaching God


Remember that power always has the speaker and no prayer. Energy follows thought and faith gives strength to that energy.

Please also note that prayer is direct communication between our soul and God, and of course a reason and moment of joy and complete happiness. He rejects the absurd ideas of dramatic moments of prayer, in the dark, in darkness, faces of pain, suffering and distress. As if we approached we just God when we are going wrong or that God likes to see us suffer. Far from it. A fun and enjoy while praying.

Prayer can be done anywhere although I love the freedom and inspiration that invites nature, but can be carried out anywhere but mentally're surrounded by hundreds of people.

Also, become aware that prayers are not only to ask but also to give thanks, and really is one of the "tricks" that exists to be happy: The grateful person feels satisfied and a satisfied person is a happy person.

In conclusion, prayer is the ultimate possibility of human beings, thanks to their free will, he uses his freedom to approach and communicate with their Creator.

Damian Alvarez in

Get completely free book  "Natural Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus (Covid-19 virus that shit)"  (link), Damian Alvarez