Saturday, February 22, 2020

"The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life". Rerelease of Damián Alvarez

"The Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life" by the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe

Finally the most anticipated book and more controversy created in the field of Alternative Medicine. "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your life" has seen the light and has been published for the benefit of all mankind.
You can get: 

Studies, diagnosis and treatment of the Solar Plexus

Editorial synopsis:

Damian Alvarez, the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe surprises us once again with a work unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Undoubtedly the best thing ever written on the chakra of the Solar Plexus and its treatment with Vibrational Therapy.

What is the Solar Plexus? Why is blocked and imbalanced? How we can heal for full health?

Get rid once and for all the anguish, anxiety, nervousness, tachycardias, depression, nausea, dizziness, fear, insomnia, migraine, shame, insecurity, respiratory problems, inflammation of stomach, chronic fatigue and many other dysfunctions misnamed by modern medicine as "chronic illness" and get peace, prosperity and happiness.

The best and most complete ever written on the Solar Plexus

Recommended by the creator of the Healing System Tinerfe all Healer, Massage Therapist, physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse and other professional or interested in the field of medicine and human health.

A book that really should possess every human beings.
Visit enchanted / a page the author:  Amazons Librery (link)

Extract from the book "Solar Plexus, the Sun of Your Life:

Healers potentials. Inflammation of the stomach and
other symptoms

If you people get up in the morning
flat stomach and go to bed at night with belly
inflamed that it looks like you will explode, then you
a healer or potential healer.
¿You suffered from stomach gases throughout your childhood and
were allergic to lactose? For you are a healer or
Healing potential.
Were you the "black sheep" in your family? One that
rebelled against her parents and the "System" that which
I was always angry, irritated, sick. For're a
Potential healer or healer.
Are you a person you like being alone, when
better you are is while you're isolated from the
the rest? For you are a healer or potential healer.
Do you tides, you get stressed, your head hurts, you get "bassoons
tension "feel nauseous when you walk into a department
stores? For you are a healer or potential Healer.
Are you popular, but as members of your group
Friends develop and succeed in life you feel that
every day are things worse? For you are a healer or
healing potential.
Do people you know or do not know is "open" to you
and they tell you their troubles and heartaches, that is all your life?
For you are a healer or potential healer.


Do you feel anguish, anxiety, nerves in the "mouth of the
stomach "nervousness in general, or you have been diagnosed
ever depression? For're a healer
Do you feel heart palpitations and pain in the heart, to the point
you've done hundreds of cardiograms and do not have
"I found nothing"? For're a healer
You ¿suffer from insomnia and feel when you go to bed
you have a "hole" (deep vacuum) in the "mouth of the
Stomach (Solar Plexus)? Well, then you're a healer or
healing potential.
Do you feel weird, different, like you do not belong to this
planet? For you are a healer or potential healer.
Do you eat anxiety, impulse purchases, you
despair during any waiting (however minimal that
whatever), you're stressed, you suffer verbiage ( "you speak
up a storm without stopping "), you talk about moving
arms and hands in an exaggerated way, are unable to
relax, you agobias in the morning and / or when you start
any housework? Then you are a healer or
healing potential.
Do not worry, you're not alone, are not rare, nor have a
depression. There are many people like you, in fact
There is a Healer in each family, a "black sheep".
Chances are you're healing your partner your
family, your friends, your co-workers, etc.,
and you only feel your symptoms and diseases.


Thankful in advance
and always Sincerely
Damián Alvarez
Author page (link)