Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Prophecy for the Year 2020 (The Year of Light). New Year's Message by Damián Alvarez

The prophecies of Damián Alvarez are always fulfilled
Year 2020, the Year of Light The year that awaits us will be a year full of Light where every human mind and heart will be illuminated with the energies of understanding, love and comprention. We are all one, we are all everyone, we are all ... Union, solidarity and equality without differences, will be the values ​​that will show that humanity It is the culmination of divine creation and deserves such an honor. We will not ask for rights, we will not complain more, but we will take responsibility for our lives, ... and those of everyone else.
"... man and woman God created them, and saw that it was Good"
We are prepared to face the integrative changes of country and country, nation and nation, continent and continent, family and family, heart and heart, man and woman, and man and woman and God. The white flag will be everyone's flag, the flag of that Light, of that union, of that responsibility, ... and peace will never end ... The planet Earth will no longer be called "blue" but "great green." The Light of our soul will produce spiritual photosynthesis That will fill our great home, our paradise, with natural abundance and total balance, ... and no one will go thirsty, nor hunger, nor grief, nor fear, ... I wish you a Happy New Year full of Light Damián Alvarez
* Point out that Damián Alvarez's Prophecies are always fulfilled.