Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Channeling of Reiki Energies. Esoteric Respiration. Final Blessing.

Final Reiki Blessing with the Esoteric Respiration

Different Methods of Channeling Reiki Healing Energies:
• Through the hands (u / and other chakras located in the physical body)
• Through Esoteric Breathing
• With the look
•      From distance
• With the power of the mind (faith, visualization and concentration)

    Energy follows thought, healing energy also follows thought (intention is what counts). If we have faith, energy follows thought with great strength and power. In Reiki initiations, the Master uses a combination of the different methods of channeling the healing energies mentioned above, but especially the "Esoteric Breath" and through the hands. And of course, a lot of faith.

Esoteric Reiki Breathing:
    Channeling Healing Energy through Breathing

Make the symbol (s) and say the mantra (3 times) to represent the energies that you wish to channel with your right hand over your left hand.

Inhale deeply from the left hand to the Tan-Tien the healing energies, helping / carrying them with the right hand towards the nose.

Reinforce the healing energies in the Tan-Tien by visualizing the symbol (s) and mentally saying the mantra (s).

Blow healing energies from the Tan-Tien to the chakra you wish to initiate or heal, visualizing and mentally saying also the symbols and mantras corresponding to the healing energies you wish to channel.

Final Blessing of Reiki:
    Using Esoteric Breathing with

Direct with half of the healing energies (half air / lung capacity) to the Solar Plexus of the recipient of the blessing, and with the other half of the energies wrap it / "bathe" the Aura, rising with the two hands the energy from the Solar Plexus to above the head of the receiver, "plugging" it as if with an energetic blanket.

Take a step back and "Close the Energies".

Damián Alvarez