Monday, November 20, 2017

Reiki Healing System Master Energy Scanners

send the healing energies of the Reiki to do the scanner

• Simply send the healing energies of the Reiki Mastery (Symbol) represented by the DAI-KO-MYO mantra and repeat the mantra three times over the body of the energy scanner container. The symbol has to be drawn (mentally) of such a size as to cover the entire body of the vessel. The DAI-KO-MYO will be light that covers the physical shape of the scanner receiver.
• Expect healing energies to "hit" the patient's body and Aura and "bounce" toward you (Energy Resonance Act)
• Feel with your own body and soul and diagnose

Repeat as many times as necessary.

The energy scanner can be done while the patient tells the Master the reasons for their visit, so that the Master / Therapist can make a preliminary diagnosis to the patient without even the patient realizes it.

Practical and simple

* The Technique "Energetic Scanner of the Master of Reiki" is a discovery of the Great Master Damián Alvarez.