Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Soundtrack of Your Life

Everyone have a Lifes Soundtrack

Make a list of all the songs that have meant a lot to you in your life. Special music you heard when "you gave the first kiss" when "danced the first time", "the first time you fell in love", "the day of your graduation," music heard when "you got one special award" or "Music of your marital bond" or Preferidad Music yours and your partner, etc., etc.
Record "Soundtrack of Your Life" on a disc (cd)
Listen to it in times of decay, Grief, Sadness, Loss, Trauma, depression or other negative state that torment you.
"The Soundtrack of Your Life" will help you get by, getting up the mood, giving and giving strength and vigor Joys and confidence in yourself.
Pure Music therapy!

Damián Alvarez