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Even Jesus Christ was Tempted by the "Prince of Darkness" |
"Lead us not into Temptation, but Deliver us from Evil"
There is someone who tempts us and there are temptations. There is an evil or an "evil" from which we must protect ourselves, and God is our most effective protection. Jesus knew this, since he himself was tempted by Satan during his retreat in the desert.
Satan is not fictitious, he is not something abstract, nor is he the evil that some claim exists within every human being. Keep in mind that the greatest victory of the "prince of darkness" is having achieved that many people do not believe in him, so he can roam free of him.
Satan and his henchmen, his accomplices, both physical and spiritual, will tempt us with riches, sex, power, glory, trying to make us believe in a certain way that all this is love, and it will bring us happiness, but it really is what separates us from love. Temptation offers you something (supposedly of great value but really worthless), to take it all away. Jesus Christ said "what is the use of winning the world if you lose yourself?".
Therefore, we must ask God to protect us, and there is a simple protection prayer that anyone can use daily and at any time, since it can be said silently, with thought, internally: "God protect me from all negative energies. This prayer should be said when we get out of bed, before answering the phone, before opening the door for someone, before embarking on a trip, before entering any place, before sleeping, etc., etc. We do not know what the future will bring us, nor how, nor when, nor through whom they will try to attack us.
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Ask God to protect you and you will be protected |
Whether you believe that the "protection prayer" protects you or not, it is not important, at least it will bring you closer to God and keep you alert, awake. As Jesus Christ said "Watch and Pray".
There are also more complete sentences like the following: "God protect me from all negative energies, all negative people and all negative beings, on all planes, all levels and all dimensions."
But how does he tempt us and how do we protect ourselves from the devil's temptations? Do you remember the retreat of Jesus in the desert? The 40 days of fasting, isolation and meditation of Jesus where Satan tempted him, contain a great teaching like all the moments of his known life. These teachings have the same value now as they did 2,000 years ago, and can be used daily, since the temptations are the same now as in those times:
Jesus Christ was hungry since he had fasted for several days, therefore Satan tempts him by saying: Are you hungry, if you really are the Christ, why don't you turn these stones into bread and eat? Jesus Christ answers him that man does not live by bread alone but by all the good that comes from his Creator. Just like Jesus Christ we can avoid the temptation to steal or cheat when we are hungry or other hardships in life.
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Only love is Real. Everything good comes from God |
Satan then tells him "if you are really a child of God, then throw yourself off this cliff and the angels will surely come to save you." Jesus answers him: "It is written, you shall not put your God to the test." The reality is that Jesu s' response is transparent and simple logic, an excessive truth for its simplicity. It is clear that putting God to the test would be a symptom of little faith, and in God either one believes or one does not believe, and not halfway or with conditions. Have faith, do not doubt, because the devil will try to take it away from you, and then he will take advantage of your weakness.
Then Satan says to Jesus Christ "Bow to me in adoration and I will give you all the kingdoms of the Earth." Jesus Christ answered him "Only your God will you praise that God can create his children even from stones." In this temptation we realize everything that the "evil one" can offer us to make us stray from the "right path": Power, glory, riches, etc. What is the use of winning the whole world if you lose yourself", said Jesus Christ. Be wary of those who want to give you five duros to a peseta, most likely you will not win anything but you will have to pay more than enough, perhaps with your own soul.
What has been written above illustrates broadly and basically how the devil can tempt us, there really are no other ways but millions of variants.
The essential thing is that we do not lose faith, that we believe blindly and one hundred percent in our God and in our divine essence, in who we are, and that we do not forget it.
Let us not be fooled by ephemeral things, no matter how much they try to make us believe that they are wonderful (never change your horse for a saddle, no matter how beautiful it is), but that they will never bring us happiness but rather death.
That we know how to differentiate and choose who to adore, who to love, if God or the devil. Choose well.
Damian Alvarez at http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/
Get the Book "The Great Secret of the Our Father Prayer" (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page in the Amazon Editorial (link),
Get the Book "The Great Secret of the Our Father Prayer" (link) by Damián Alvarez
Visit his Author Page in the Amazon Editorial (link),