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The System of the Seven Greater Chakras |
Above the head, in the central line of the body we have a chakra called the Crown Chakra. Through this chakra the divine, white, pure, neutral energy coming from the "Star of the Soul" enters the human being.
In the eyebrows we have a chakra called the Third Eye Chakra and it is the Alter Ego of the Human being.
In the hole formed by the clavicles we have a chakra called the Throat Chakra and it is the basis of communication.
In the middle of the chest is the Heart Chakra that is the seat of Love.
Four horizontal fingers above the navel, in what is commonly called "stomach mouth, we have the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Sun of your Life. Your Ego, here and now .
Four horizontal fingers below the navel we have the Sacral Chakra or Sacral Chakra, the source of the passions.
Between the genitals and the anus, at the "HU-Yin Point" is the Base Chara through which the energy of terrestrial survival from the "Earth Star" enters our being.
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The System of the Seven Greater Chakras and the Colors |
Each chakra vibrates with a certain frequency energy that produces a certain light, that is, a certain color.
It is not that the chakra has this or that color, but it is the chakra that produces the color.
The different palette of Light are just variants of that light / energy.
The Crown Chakra vibrates with the Divine Light coming from the "Star of the Soul", that is, with the White or Golden Light.
The Third Eye Chakra vibrates with the Violet Light.
The Throat Chakra vibrates with the Blue Light.
The Heart Chakra vibrates with two colors, the Pink Light and the Green Light.
The Solar Plexus Chakra vibrates with the Yellow Light.
The Sacral Chakra vibrates with the Orange Light.
The Base Chakra vibrates with the Red Telluric Energies.
When the Divine White Light and the Red Telluric Light are mixed in equal parts in the Human Soul, the Pink Light, the Light, the energies, the color of Love are formed in the Being.
When the Yellow Light of the Solar Plexus is mixed with the Blue Light of the Throat chakra is composed of Light, Energy, Green color, the color of Hope (Virtue of the Heart).
So here we have the two energies of the Heart Chakra.
The mixture of the Pink Light of the Heart Chakra with the Blue Light of the Throat Chakra produces the Violet / Purple Light of the Third Eye chakra.
The other colors, energies, light of the rest of the chakras is made up of the White Light of the Crown Chakra mixed with the Red Light of the Base Chakra,
so we have the Orange Light of the Sacrum that really is the Red Light of the Base Chakra with a little spiritual White Light of the Crown Chakra.
The Yellow Light of the Solar Plexus is also formed by the Red Light of the Base Chakra and the White Light of the Crown Chakra but now with more amount of White Light.
And so I discovered the reason for the disintegration of Light in a Rainbow in the System of Greater Chakras.
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I also discovered, and based on the fact that the human being if he really was created in the image and likeness of God had to be perfect, that the Human Soul had to be perfect just as God is Perfect, and so it really was. .
The Physical Chakra are:
Base Chakra or Root
Chakra or Sacral Chakra of the Solar Plexus
The Spiritual Chakras are:
Chakra Third Eye
Chakra Throat
Chakra The Heart Chakra is the Astral border between the physical world and the spiritual world, between the Chakras Physicists and the Spiritual Chakras
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Relationship between the Physical Chakras and the Spirit Chakras |
Another discovery was the realization that each Physical Chakra was related to a Spiritual Chakra. It could not be otherwise: absolute perfection.
The first relationship is Base Chakra and Crown Chakra, the two inputs of clean energy that support the Human Soul.
The second relationship is Sacral Chakra and Throat Chakra. With the Throat we plan to create with the Sacrum. With the sacrum we create to develop with the throat.
There are many examples of the relationship between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra: Children change their voice (Throat Chakra) when they develop sexually (Sacral Chakra).
Another example would be that when people become sexually aroused (Sacral Chakra) their voice changes (Throat chakra) or they cough and claw their throats at the slightest excitement.
Sexually frustrated people often suffer from aphonia, their voice breaks, etc.
The third relationship is the Solar Plexus chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. Relationship between the Ego and the Alter Ego, between the physical Self and the higher Self.
* With the diagnostic and therapeutic practice you will see it better. Examples:
You will never find a person who has problems in the Throat Chakra and who does not have them in the Sacral Chakra. The root of all disease linked to the Throat Chakra will always be found in the Sacral Chakra.
A traumatized person (Solar Plexus) will not be able to think well, concentrate, will suffer from insomnia, will worry too much, will have tension and psychic stress (Third Eye). All mental illness is treated in the Solar Plexus.
It is clear that the very materialistic person (Base Chakra) is far from God (Crown Chakra) and also that many fanatics use spirituality (Crown Chakra) to escape from the physical world (Base Chakra).
Each chakra has its frontal aspect and its dorsal aspect. We have pairs of chakras joined to the "Hara Line".
The dorsal part of each chakra is the energy that "pushes" the front of each chakra to act.
Example: Sexual desire is in the dorsal part of the Sacral Chakra and the sexual act is in the front part of the same chakra.
Another good example would be that the will to love is in the back of the Heart Chakra, but that we really express that love, we love, with the front of the chakra.
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The Root of all Disease is found in the Greater Chakras |
The Tinerfe Healing System Therapists use this "truth" in the Healing Sessions to Diagnose and Heal.
Treating the symptom also heals the root of the disease. Treating the Physical Chakras also heals the Spiritual Chakras.
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Love is the Natural Habitat of the Human Being. Balance of Life and Health |
The perfect balance of a soul embodied in a human physical body is achieved with 50% spirituality and 50% physical life. 50% of White Light (Spiritual) and 50% of Red Light (Physical)
mixed in the human soul produce the Pink Light, the Energies of Love, Perfection, Balance and Perfect Protection.
Any excess or defect of White Light or Red Light in the incarnated soul will produce an imbalance.
The Tinerfe Healing System is effective because it is not a book that closes and opens when needed, but because it is a simple practical way of living.
Damián Alvarez at https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/
Damián Alvarez at https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/