Thursday, October 10, 2019

Relationship between the "physical" Chakras and Spiritual Chakras

The Solar Plexus Chakra. The Chakra of Champions


I discovered that each Chakra Physical was related to a Spiritual Chakra. It could not be otherwise: absolute perfection.

The first relationship is Base Chakra and Crown Chakra, the two inputs of clean energy that sustain the human soul incarnated in a physical body.

The second relationship is Chakra Sacral and Throat Chakra. With the Garganta plan to create the Sacro. With the Sacro created to develop ourselves with the throat.
Examples of the relationship between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra are many: Kids voice changes (Throat Chakra) when sexual development (Sacral Chakra).
Oto example would be that when people become sexually excited (Sacral Chakra) changes their voice (throat chakra) or coughing and throat garraspean with the slightest excitement.
Sexually frustrated people often suffer from hoarseness, voice breaks them, etc.

The third relationship is the Solar Plexus Chakra and Third Eye Chakra. Relationship between Ego and Alter Ego, between the physical self and the higher self.

* With the diagnostic and therapeutic practice you'll look better. Examples:
You will never find a person who has problems Throat Chakra and not have them in the Sacral Chakra. The root of all linked enfermad Throat Chakra always find in the Sacral Chakra.
A traumatized person (Solar Plexus) can not think well, concentrating, suffer from insomnia, worry overmuch, will stress and psychological stress (Third Eye). All mental illness is in the solar plexus.
Clearly, the very materialistic person (Base Chakra) is far from God (Crown Chakra) and many fans use spirituality (Crown Chakra) to escape the physical world (Base Chakra).

Love is the Astral Way between the physical world and the spiritual

Chakras chakras WILL AND ACTION

Each chakra has its front aspect and its dorsal aspect, we have pairs of chakras attached to the "Hara Line".
The back of each chakra is the energy that "pushes" the front of each chakra to act.
Example: Sexual desire is in the back of the Sacral Chakra and the sexual act is in the front of the same chakra.
Another good example would be the will to love is in the back of the Heart Chakra, but really express that love, love, with the front of the chakra.


Therapists Healing System Tinerfe use this "truth" healing sessions to diagnose and heal.
Trying root symptom of the disease is also healthy. Physical trying Spiritual Chakras Chakras also heal.


The perfect balance of an incarnated in a physical body human soul is achieved with 50% and 50% of spirituality physical life. 50% of White Light (Spiritual) and 50% of red light (Physics)
mixed in the human soul produce light pink, the energies of love, perfection, balance and perfect protection.

Any excess or defect of white light or red light on the incarnated soul will produce an imbalance.

Damián Alvarez
Healing System Creator Tinerfe

©  Most of this article are discoveries of Damian Alvarez and are part of registered books, so that all rights are reserved.

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