Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The onset of the disease and the System of Higher Chakras

Life flows through you, through your Chakra System

We get sick because we stop being ourselves, because we live (rather we die) we believe that "something" or "someone" who we are not. As long as you think you are "somewhat" or "someone", because sooner or later get sick. It does not matter if you think you are positive or negative, in both cases get sick. I'll give you an example: Suppose you think you are the best Healer of Montevideo, whether because you tell your clients, friends, etc. What will happen when another healer who is better than you get? What happens when your friends and patients will no longer filled with praise but the other Healer? What happens when you are no longer the center of your group? as you will be angry, and you will be traumatic, sorrow. You can also send negative energy to your colleagues, friends, customers and the new Healer. You can fill with hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, and without realizing it you'd be working for negative spiritual beings, that is sending a lot of negative energy around you. You infirmaries quickly, first mentally and then physically (is just an example do not take it personally).

Life is not "something" is happening around you. Life flows through you, through your system every second major chakras at the speed of thought. Every second, every thought you're creating your life. If you could move faster than the speed of your thoughts would find only a great void in front of you because your future has still not been created.

Damián Alvarez