Tinerfe System of Natural healing reaffirms itself in a Enough Already!
-No to Wars
-No to Violence
-No to Bad Deals
-No to Injustices
-No to Child Exploitation
-No to Famine
-No to the Overexploitation of the Planet's Natural Resources
-No to Pollution of all kinds
-No to Trade in Human Traffic
-No to Abuses of Power, Deception, Hypocrisy, Misunderstandings, Lies, Pride, Vanity, Bad Thoughts about the other, Anger, Rage, Jealousy, etc, etc, etc because after all, they happen for lack of Love.
-Not to stand idly by and see how everything passes without doing anything, although many are doing things, the other part is missing that should join the cause because All together, Yes, we can say! Enough!
Tinerfe System of Natural Healing says a Rotundisimo Yes to:
-Peace in the world
-Love as Flag and Motto
-Love as a way of life and expression
-Countries without Borders
-Understanding and Compassion in the Heart of every Human Being
-Love Nature and learn to Respect it
-Love each other since we are all one
-Yes to the Awakening of the Individual and Humanity
-Learn the meaning of Forgiveness
-Harmony and Well-being in All Homes
-Laws and "Policies" based on Love, Equity and Equality
-Let's Revolutionize the World for Love and with Love
-Change your life with Love and make Love a constant choice
-The Necessary Transformation of the Heart of Man
-Make of Love the root and seed of any thought
-Let's Revolutionize the World for Love and with Love
-Change your life with Love and make Love a constant choice
-The Necessary Transformation of the Heart of Man
-Make of Love the root and seed of any thought
-and not think that this is a Utopia but a Reality that depends on All of us