Children's Chakras Are Not Yet Developed |
If my father dies without me I still won't have all the Chakras developed.
-How is this separation of the Chakras that were still united done?
-Did I then depend only on my mother's Chakras?
-When both parents die, what does this person look like?
-Test-tube children or children made in a laboratory, children whose genes have been altered, adopted children, children born from a surrogate mother whose egg is from a different woman?
I answer your questions:
Look, just because we separate a chakra from our parents every 7 years doesn't mean that we can't separate them sooner or later, and not only if our parents die. Do not think that your parents' chakras are very helpful since they can also be wrong, and more than helping us with their chakras, what they do is impede our own development. You can see this in dominant parents who often tell their children: "as long as you live in my house, I am the one in charge, I am the one who wins," and many things like that.
Some Parents Do Not Allow the Development of Their Children's Chakras |
Of course, separating our parents' chakras early may or may not be traumatic, frustrating and painful. Many times separating ourselves from our parents' chakras "early" can be a blessing. Our parents' chakras can become a yoke for our own energy body.
It is very difficult for the vast majority of parents to see their children as adults. Some even want their children to never surpass them so as not to feel less than, so instead of helping what they do is hinder.
Look, I'll tell you: When you separate your chakras from your parents, due to their death, and being a child, the first thing you do is connect your chakras to another adult person. For example, if your mother dies, you can connect your chakras to your older sister, to an aunt, to your neighbor.
As I said before, we do not separate from our parents' chakras only when they die, but it can also be if we leave home, travel, move to another country, or also if our parents separate and we have little contact with them. Although the energetic relationship still exists, it happens in a lighter way (so to speak). In these trips, separations, etc., is when the individual has to defend himself without the energetic help of his parents, and is when he truly develops freely.
In the first Years, the Child is connected to its Mother |
Regarding your second question, I can tell you that we are mainly connected to our mother's chakras. For the first 7 years of our lives we literally lived inside our mother's aura. Our father comes and goes, but our mother is always there. It is between the ages of 7 and 14 that we can be connected to the parent of the opposite sex and experience sexuality through them, that is, girls fall in love with their parents (they are connected to their mothers' Sacral chakra). , and children from their mothers (they are connected to the Sacral chakra of their parents).
In any case, you could receive the masculine aspect of your chakra system from an older brother, an uncle, a friend of your mother, etc.
When both parents die, well, you know, traumatic, painful and frustrating for the child who is left energetically alone, but only until he connects to the major chakra system of another couple of adults who may adopt him, or to the priest and the nun who run that "orphanage".
The interaction and energetic resonance between the chakras of parents and children is something that happens naturally but it is not mandatory, it is not exclusive or exclusive. I explain to you: The baby who does not have a natural mother will seek the breast of the first woman who puts it in her mouth, and connects to her, not out of love, as some say, but out of survival instinct (Base chakra). . I'll give you examples: My parents were 3 uncles who worked at home (I grew up in one of those old sales), I never saw my biological father because he was working and when he came home late I was already sleeping. I am aware that my personality was influenced more by those 3 uncles than by my biological father.
All Separations are, at least, Traumatic, since in all our relationships we connect, at least, the Solar Plexus chakra |
Of course, genetically we inherit traits, customs, manias, and energetic illnesses from our natural parents, but this does not imply that we can have "energetic parents", that is, real parents, to whom we have our chakra system connected as support until the develop our own chakras as we grow.
I'll explain it to you another way: Every separation is traumatic. We connect even to those who mistreat us (Stockholm syndrome), and if that relationship was also sexual, then very frustrating. Thus, when a couple separates, they suffer, but their "energetic intention" to avoid suffering is to connect to the first person who passes by, that is, to connect, at least, their Solar Plexus chakra and their Sacral Chakra to them. another person so as not to feel empty.
How it affects, on an energetic level, that is, spiritually, sentimentally, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, the child who grows up in a family of homosexuals or lesbians, well, I think it will not affect him much, since the child by himself He will unconsciously look for chakras of masculine or feminine people depending on the case and what he needs to develop in a balanced way.
Damian Alvarez
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