Thursday, February 27, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color indigo

Indigo Color. Deep Levels of Consciousness

Indigo is the "first aid kit" that should not be missing in any "color apothecary."
Indigo can be used for almost everything, due to its integrating, purifying, antiseptic, sedative, calming, balancing, detoxifying, toning, and reinforcing qualities. Indigo

is a very saturated blue, which makes it perfect for people who want to plan their lives in a deeper, more serious, and more conscientious way. Indigo is the color of people who are aware of what they are "up to." People who are not superficial and who do not talk or plan just for the sake of talking. The words of the "Indigo man" are not so easily "blown away." Planning is also deeper, thinking through every detail, leaving no "loose ends" and even less to chance.

It is a perfect color to use during meditation and other spiritual development techniques as it balances the cerebral hemispheres, activates the Third Eye chakra and encourages altered states of consciousness.

Children called Indigo are children who are born with the natural ability to see beyond what the common everyday mind can "see" and understand. Children with a total balance between logic and intuition, capable of communicating with themselves, with the animal and plant kingdom and with God, since their logical mind does not put obstacles in their way. Depth of thought and robust spiritual and physical health. Beings with almost supernatural abilities, truly normal children who have not yet been robbed by the current modern system of the talent and intuition that every child has and whose elders take it away with false teachings that are self-interested and full of fear. Indigo children think with a spiritual mind, with an Alter Ego that goes beyond their own interests, and understand the spiritual connection between every created being and the Infinite Creative Source and know that if others suffer, they suffer too.

Indigo Color. Main "Medicine" of the "Chromotherapeutic Pharmacy"

Therapeutically, Indigo is used to treat all conditions of the throat, eyes, ears, head, and brain. It also heals by balancing the entire Endocrine System, strengthening and invigorating the lymphatic glands and the Immune System. It is also very helpful in treating infections as it detoxifies the body by purifying the blood, so it can also be used to treat drug, alcohol, and nicotine addicts.
It is very effective in treating lung and pectoral diseases, especially in diseases associated with women's breasts, which may be burdened with heartbreak, fear, and sorrow.
Indigo heals both the root of diseases (spiritual levels) and the mental and physical symptoms, as it contains great therapeutic potential, so it can also be used effectively to treat obsessions, phobias, and manias.

Metaphysically, it is the color of sanity, of deep balance, of higher consciousness, of creative spiritual energy. If we were to associate a color with the Verb, the First Divine Creative Energy, this color would undoubtedly be Indigo. Spiritual Greatness and Strength, but with a total rootedness in physical manifestation. With the color Indigo, the Will of God truly manifests itself on planet Earth through the human being.
Deep levels of consciousness and spiritual wisdom. Vocation, Devotion, Intuition.
The color of the Winners.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color white (Part 2)

Ethics and Morality are symbols of the Healer's Purity of Heart

White light is the color of spiritual development, it is the color of the pure Soul in dynamic development, it is the light of our divine essence. The white color is the "clothes of the spirit."
The spiritual teacher or guide must have a lot of light within him to illuminate the path for his disciples. He must also have a lot of light throughout his Major Chakra System to be able to combat the negative energies that try to stop him so that the Will of God does not manifest on Earth. The Healer, the Therapist, the Teacher, the sincere Guide who works for God is Light, just as Jesus Christ was and is Light for the World.
The disciples, students of Vibrational Therapies, Healing and Spiritual Development Studies must also be white light in order to freely understand the new concepts they will learn. The good student must also be white, so that he does not defend teachings, erroneous, mistaken beliefs that darken his mind and Soul. The disciple of white light does not look for faults or errors in the master or his Teachings, but tries to understand with the light of his heart and not with his linear logical mind.
The ethics and morals of the Master Healer are also white. White is the color of respect, sincerity, security, cleanliness of heart and pure desires of unconditional and selfless help to others.
Healers are Light Workers, of the White Light.

White Color. Trust and Abandonment in Health Professionals

The color white also inspires respect and security in any field, whether in conventional medicine or not so conventional. In these cases, white is not only supposed to be a sign of hygiene, but also of good studies. It is a sign that we can put ourselves in the hands of that health professional, which is why the color white is used in hospitals, medical centers, clinics, etc., whether in the uniforms of nurses, doctors, masseurs, therapists, etc., but also in the colors of the walls, bathrooms, machines and diagnostic and treatment devices.

Living White Light Undoes Negative Energies

White amplifies positive energies and its high frequency is used to undo energetic blockages in the Aura, Hara Line and Chakra System. It is also used to release negative energies during exorcism sessions and to protect against psychic attacks, negative thoughts and negative entities. In this last case, "Protection Bubbles" of White Light are very effective.
White Light, especially from lit candles (also white) creates positive energy, charging the place with beneficial vibrations and driving away negative energy residues and positive ion energy waste that could be harmful to the health of living beings: plants, animals and of course people.
White calms unbalanced emotions such as anger, rage, jealousy, envy, etc.
A very good color to obtain peace and temperance, Illumination is White.
White/clear energy, like Clear Quartz Crystals, amplifies for good all the positive qualities of the other colors of the rainbow spectrum.

The color White Invigorates, Purifies, Calms, Balances and Protects

In therapies, the color White is used to balance all the systems of the body. Because it amplifies the qualities of other colors and because of its balancing capacity, it is usually used at the beginning of therapies, after other colors, and at the end of therapeutic sessions.
Therapeutically, it is used to invigorate, cleanse, purify, and purify the entire Human Energetic Anatomy.
It cleanses the mind of negative thoughts and other negative external energies. It cleanses the heart of fears and the Solar Plexus of insecurities and shame. It awakens creative energy. It balances excessive attachment to the earth and superficial materialism. In addition, it can be used to protect the therapist, the patient, and the therapy room.
It also stimulates tired and weakened organisms due not only to illness, but also, for example, to too much work, too much sex, etc.

The White Light is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Divine Healing

Metaphysically, the color White implies something or someone to trust, it represents the right people, sincere, without hidden interests. As we have seen before, the color White is the color of the Healers, the color of the Spiritual Guides. White is the Path to follow in life, the same Light that illuminates that Path and the Goal at the end of the Path.
The White Light is the Path, the Truth and the Life. It is the Resurrection, the Rebirth, the new Awakening, the New Era, the New System of things. The color White is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the color of the angels, the color of the healing energies.
White is the color of life, of joy, of happiness, it is your color as a being created in the image and likeness of God.
The White Light is the only Truth, the White Light is God...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color white (Part One)

Rainbow. Natural Chromotherapy. Light reflects all colors

The color White does not really exist. Shocking, isn't it? If colors are the separation of Light and the color White contains all colors, then is it White Light? Is White a Color?
Most people visualize white energy as almost transparent and it is very difficult for them to visualize it as White.
Light permeates the entire physical world, Light is transparent, so we can see the physical world illuminated by that Light. If Light were white we would see everything else white, since it would cover the other colors.
It is the Light that when reflected in matter causes the chromatic spectrum, that is, the colors of the physical world that we can see.
It is the Light that when reflected in a transparent prism decomposes forming a rainbow, it is not the color White that when reflected in a prism causes the miracle mentioned above: the rainbow.
But assuming that the Light is White. White would be the mother of all colors. White is the beginning and the end. The color White is the primary color, the true pure energy, and much more...

White Color. Divine Light. Primary Energy. High Vibration

God is Light, the color White would represent, then, divinity, God himself, the most powerful energy in the Universe. The primary, conscious, creative energy of all things. The color White is the color of the Holy Spirit, the color of the White dove that represents the energy of God. The main healing and curative Light is also the color White and God is the one who heals. The color White is the most spiritual color that exists, it is the impulse of the human being to live as a being created in the image and likeness of God. The color White is the color of good people, with an energetic vibrational frequency in their Aura that makes them shine like Light. Light is the energy closest to the frequency of the golden color. Light is the human heart turned into a diamond that reflects the Light of God without any impediment.

White Color. Healthy Joy, Sincerity, Purity and Childlike Innocence

The color White denotes purity, innocence, hygiene. You can eat on the color White, sleep on it, you can bring it close to your intimate areas and feel safe, protected and totally clean.

The color White does not deceive, it is innocence, virginity, peace, light, brightness, sincerity, transparency.

The color White is the color of birth and early childhood, it is the color of babies. It is the color that is reflected in the eyes of happy, optimistic, affectionate, hopeful people, clean of heart, clean of body, mind and soul, of people who are as innocent as children, as innocent as the Kingdom of Heaven.

White Color. Pure Transparency in Motion. Total Health

Water is like light, the more transparent it is, the cleaner it is, and transparent water is what reflects all the colors of transparent light, of White light.
Transparent water and light are what clean. Water cleanses the physical body, emotions and feelings. Light cleanses our mind and soul.
White cleans the dirt of all other colors, removing their darkness and giving them new light and brightness.
White cleans the soul, forgiving all its sins and bringing clarity to the most pessimistic mind.
White, with its mere presence, eliminates all possible bodily residues that could exist, whether they be sweat, odors, etc., etc.

White color cleanses body and soul. New beginning in life

White also cleanses sins, taboos, fears, prejudices, lies, deceit, insecurities, shame, resentment, jealousy, worries, guilty conscience, etc., opening up to the couple of new lovers a White world, a free world, full of infinite possibilities and pure but at the same time overflowing fantasies. The White color is the spiritual climax, a sensation that goes far beyond the physical climax, a sensation and a pleasure that comes down a little from heaven to earth to experience the sexual act in a heavenly way and fill the lovers' bedroom with the sparkle of a diamond, the sparkle of the light of dawn reflected in the curtains, sheets, white underwear and happy eyes of the new married couple after their first wedding night, their "first night of sex" after the marriage ritual.

to be continued, ...

Monday, February 24, 2025

Healing and curative properties of the color red

Red Color. Energy, Vitality, Strength, Vigor, Health, Life...

Exaltation of the vital force. Stimulating action at all levels, both physical, emotional, sentimental and even mental. Sometimes, too stimulating, energetic, as when it refers to activating sexuality, will, physical strength.

The Red Color affects the entire Major Chakra System to a greater or lesser degree, therefore it affects the entire Human Energy Body and the entire physical body.

Energy recharge, “inner fire”, “energy bomb”, heat, red-hot metal, liquid steel, blood in our veins.

The Red color, in truth, circulates through our veins like molten steel. The Red color roots our energy body to the physical body and to the molten core of the Red Earth through and thanks to the iron that Red blood contains.

Without the Red color the Soul could never be incarnated. Red is that telluric energy, which although of low frequency, we need it to maintain our physical body in a physical world. Red is the primitive energy of survival, which makes us eat, drink, defend ourselves from dangers.

Red activates blood flow. Lava is the "blood" of the Earth.

Almost all the “external maintenance systems” of the physical body are converted into Red energy, to provide strength, vigor and vitality to the organism, whether it is breathing, eating, etc.

People with serious illnesses become pale, emaciated, and lose the natural Red color that shows good physical health.

Therapeutically, the Red color is used to strengthen people affected by diseases that deplete their energy, such as anemia or circulation problems. It is effective for treating colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, as it strengthens the weakened physical body.
The Red color can also be used to treat all problems, illnesses, and conditions related to the skeleton, muscles, and ligaments, but especially to treat the lower extremities.
In post-operative states, it is usually as helpful or more helpful than the Orange color to help convalescents recover. It
is also used to raise body temperature and treat areas damaged by the cold, as the blood carries that heat to the affected areas.

Red Cheeks. Symptom of Good Health and Physical Strength

Too much Red can distract us and unbalance us, making us aggressive, materialistic and excessively selfish. For example: Too much Red in the Heart chakra makes the affected person unable to “love” without expecting something in return,

and also makes them distrustful of the love of others. Metaphysically, the Red color is blood, the vital force, life itself. Without Red in the body you cannot live, without blood in the body you cannot live. Both the state of the blood and the color of your body show the health you have. A lifeless body is a body without Red color, pale. A dying person progressively loses their Red color, their vital energy, their connection to the earth, their connection to the physical world. Red is the color of good health, joy and strength, which is seen in small children who play, full of life, energy and enthusiasm.

God has given human beings a heavenly star (white) to illuminate their path and an earthly star (red) to provide them with enough vitality to be able to walk that path without any problem. That path is life, yours and mine...

Get the book  "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine"  (link), by  Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Love is Courage of Life

Without fear there is no danger. Love is Courage of Life

In order to understand and be able to rise above danger, we must understand three things:
First, not to be afraid. Second, to be prudent. And third, not to allow the fear of danger to stop you, to dominate you, to force you, to manipulate you, to separate you from God, from yourself and from others.

Dangers are almost always unfounded. We often see dangers every day, where they do not exist. These imaginary dangers are mainly due to our ignorance, to the fact that we do not know who we really are and what our divine potential is. We would encounter few dangers in life/the world if we lived as beings created in the image and likeness of God.

Ignorance in turn leads us to fear, and fear is precisely the opposite of love, that is, the opposite of our essence, the opposite of our true nature. We know that fear “does not exist” because God’s creation is Love and fear cannot exist in love.

The innocent child is not afraid, the child trusts, the child loves. Adults instill fear in children, as an attempt to protect them from a world they believe to be cruel, a dangerous world. This fear will not protect the child, instead it will be their unhappiness and final destruction.
At the same time we “understand” the behavior of parents and educators when they educate with fear and not with love, since they have been educated with fear and are full of fears, therefore they can only “educate” in the only way they know how: with fear.

Recovering the Earthly Paradise is the Right and Honor of all

I also want to emphasize that the world that our parents believe to be aggressive is made up of themselves, the world is not something apart from which we can get away from it, the world is you and me, the world is all of us. When we think that the world is dangerous, we are really telling our children that we are dangerous. A phrase that I find very funny is the following: “As parents will have found out about everything they try to warn their children about.”

We must not only educate our children with love, but also our parents and grandparents.

Being afraid of being killed or of killing ourselves is understandable to a certain extent, but fear can never prevent us from being killed or from killing ourselves, but rather Prudence and Discretion. Prudence is a virtue and virtues are expressions of love, so prudent is the one who lives with love. Live with love so as not to harm others, or yourself. Do not live in fear, because that fear will be your greatest danger.
In any case, most people live in fear of everything and everyone, that is, they see danger in everything and everyone, otherwise they would not live in fear.

It is “hard” to admit it, but for most people, the world is a dangerous world, the human being is a dangerous being. They think that the truth is the opposite: God created planet Earth as a paradise and we are beings created in the image and likeness of God, we are love. We should live in this paradise in peace, harmony and happiness every day of our years. Why, then, so much fear of an unreal, unfounded danger? The answer is easy, the most logical answer is: “because we have been deceived.”

The Greatest Possible Protection is Biblical Teachings

Living with love does not mean being stupid, on the contrary. Love is wise, love is powerful, love causes respect, security and fidelity. Fear, on the contrary, creates insecurity, uncertainty, worries, anxiety, anguish and ultimately panic. Panic makes us act irresponsibly, impulsively, insecurely with others, and that is when we become dangerous beings for them and for ourselves. It is the imprudent and indiscreet way of acting that creates danger.

In the end, fear is always what can stop us. The fear of danger limits us, controls us, manipulates us, forces us, stops us. We know that everything that limits us, controls us, manipulates us, forces us and stops us does not come from God because God gave us Free Will.
Against everything that takes away our Free Will we must “fight”, but with love, prudence and discretion.
Really, what stops you is not danger but the fear of danger, that lie. Negative spiritual beings deceive us into believing that there are dangers so that we live in fear, dangerously towards ourselves, others and the planet and self-destruct.

In any case, “don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”, “a live dog is better than a dead lion”, “what good is it to gain the whole world if you lose yourself”, and “don’t be afraid of those who can kill your body and not your soul” are written and are guidelines to follow in order to live prudently but without fear.

Don’t be stupid, don’t let “danger” or fear of “danger” stop you, so that no one can prevent God’s Will from manifesting on Earth through you with a lie and that through you the planet Earth will recover its original condition of paradise of peace, harmony and happiness.

Get the book  "The School of God"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Easy or Hard. Positive or Negative. Tests? It's Always Up to You

You are not alone. We are all equal. We all have a soul.

Nothing is easy or everything is really very easy, it just depends on how you take it, it doesn't matter, woman. For example, I have been married 5 times and separated as many times, I have always had to start from scratch after the separations, any other person would take it very negatively, but as I do not see the negative as an alternative, then "everything is good." What I mean is that you should not see, do not have the negative as an alternative. When the negative disappears from your life, only positive things remain. Let's see, how do you measure the good or bad things, the positive or negative things, what do you have as a reference to say this is good and this is bad? You only have as a reference what has been instilled in you, and believing in what has been instilled in you is a "trap." You were always educated with fear, the "system" continues to do so even if you don't realize it. The "system" says that if you are not like this or like that or if you don't have this or that, or if you don't feel this way or that way, you can't be happy, and all of that is a lie. You could very easily be above the circumstances and above the negative energies, simply by not "playing along", not paying attention to them, not allowing yourself the alternative: this is bad, I'm bad, I feel bad. Being yourself is that: "you just are" nothing more, nothing less. I'll use myself as an example: I've seen myself writhing in pain on the floor, alone, sick and helpless, but I never thought it was something bad, it just was, it just happened. When you are above the circumstances, sensations, feelings, etc., etc., they no longer affect you (in a negative way) and also, as negative spiritual beings realize that they do not affect you (in a negative way as they expect) they stop attacking you in that way. If they continued doing so they would be wasting their time, because you do not see feeling bad as an alternative.

Do not let yourself be carried away by deceptions, traps. Become aware, if you have to be aware of something, that everyone has experienced and is experiencing at this moment the same thing that you are going through. Disabuse yourself, no one (apart from those who introduce the teachings of the Tinerfe Healing System into their lives and perhaps a few more in the World who are on the same path and have realized the Truth) is happy. What you see in people is illusion, dreams, fantasies (which are not reality), giggles and more giggles (which is just hypocrisy), displays of happiness (which are just masks) and methods of escape (not just alcohol, medicines and drugs) such as stress, anxiety, fantasies, sex, work abuse, etc. What do you think people run away from, what do you think people hide from, what do you think people want to hide? Well, their unhappiness, their discomfort, worries, frustrations, traumas, sorrows, disappointments,...

Happiness is internal and is above circumstances

You, at least, are aware of what is happening to you, others are not. Most people realize that they have led a life of lies, of shit, when they end up in the Intensive Care Unit, "plugged" into every hole in their body. You are aware of reality, you can do something about it, but of course without obsessing, but realizing that you have been lucky. Pain, whether physical, emotional, sentimental or psychic, is measured by our weaknesses, weaknesses that are not real. Why do you remember who you are? Right? There is no weakness in a being created in the image and likeness of God, there is no fear in a being that is love. Of course, the "system" wants you to believe that fear exists, that it can tell you: suffer, you are bad, others are fine but you are not, others are happy and you are not. But the "system" or negative energies tell the same lies to each and every human being. I'll give you an example: You think you want to tell me something or you feel like the most miserable of all the people in the world, you feel like you need love, a lot of love, a hug, words of affection but you don't come and get close to me because the negative "negative energies" can tell you: how are you going to say that to Damian, Damian will think you are stupid, and Damian has a lot of work and he will think you are a pain. They can also tell you: don't say anything to Damian because he will think you are stupid or that you are going crazy, and you have to pretend that you are fine, that you are strong, that you don't need anyone. Do you recognize how negative energies play with people? But don't be mistaken, what I told you before happens to everyone. You are not alone, we are all the same, we all have a soul and we have all suffered traumas, sorrows and frustrations, and we have suffered them because we have been tricked into suffering them.

It's not bad to be alone, it's not bad to not have money, it's not bad to not have a partner, it's not bad to not have your own house, it's not bad to not have children, it's not bad to not have anything to eat. What's really bad is believing all those lies that the "system" instills in you so that you suffer when you don't have those things. You came to earth alone and you'll leave it alone, you can be yourself, that is, happy, or believe the "lies of the system" and always be unhappy.

It depends only on you what color you want to see the rainbow.

Also, think, you are here to teach the world, what you know you could use for the good of yourself and others. Write, speak, give therapies, take courses, share with us, come closer to us because we are all equal. Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed, get rid of unfounded prejudices and taboos (that is a taboo really, just a taboo and not a reality). Forget about it all, live life, and the more they attack you, think that it is because you are on the "right path", that you are getting closer to the truth, that you have a very important vital mission. The greater the tests (which are to be overcome, otherwise they would not be tests) the stronger you become and the stronger your faith becomes (God allows it to test your "free will" and your ability to use love).

Even if you see yourself "sunk" as you tell me, think "well something good is on the way", and the greater the attacks the better what is on the way. Years of happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, well-being await you.

You can't complain that you weren't raised with love, it's your responsibility. Get your act together and start raising others with love, you're not alone as I've told you and when they try to stop you, you can say "fuck the fucking negative energies" but they won't stop me. When they don't stop you in one circumstance, they'll stop trying to stop you in that aspect of your life, but if they do stop you, they'll continue your whole life because they know it works, that they can stop you.

Love is the only thing that matters. Recover your inner child

One day someone approached me and while talking about negative energies and how they work, it occurred to me to say "they won't stop me even if they put me in a wheelchair", because a week later I had a car accident and ended up in a wheelchair, diagnosis: "total paraplegia" which would get worse over the years due to the ailments of old age. Well, they didn't stop me, the day after the diagnosis I was at work, a year later I was completely recovered.

May you overcome the tests, may you get up after falling, may you not know where your renewed strength comes from. God is good but not stupid, be aware that God will never allow you to be given a test that you cannot overcome. Also when you say that strength comes to you and you don't know where it comes from, it's just that you have returned to being yourself for a moment.

Don't have illusions, dreams, fantasies, expectations, hopes, they are not real and negative beings will use them against you. Don't expect anything from anyone, not even from yourself, get it. Set goals and not illusions, and if you don't want to get frustrated, don't expect anything from anyone or anything. Get what you want, move, don't wait. Hope is not sitting around waiting for God to solve your life, Hope is thinking that you can solve everything in your life. It's your life, you have free will to use the greatest power of the Universe: Love for your own benefit and for all Humanity.

We love you, sweetheart, and we are here for everything you want, so don't ever tell God that He doesn't send you help. Take advantage of it, silly girl, we are here, really, and it is a great pleasure for us to have you as a friend (you don't know what a great help you are to humanity, even if you don't know it yet).

Damián Alvarez

Friday, February 21, 2025

Old Age Does Not Exist. The Soul Never Retires

Old Age Does NOT Exist. The Soul Never Retires

"Midlife crises" are an attempt by negative spiritual beings to retire us early, to call us old and therefore useless, a piece of trash, garbage, waste. According to these negative beings, at a certain age you are no longer worth anything, you are not up to the task. The reality is that the Soul never retires and that love, youth and beauty are eternal.
These negative spiritual beings know well that by "filling" our minds and Souls with fear, the opposite of love, then we will grow old. Jesus said: He who believes (lives according to conviction) in me (Jesus' teachings) will not die, but will live ("rivers of the water of life will flow through him for all eternity") eternally.

Do not allow yourself to be deceived any longer. Old age does not exist, it is only a symptom resulting from fear, and even if it did exist, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Old age is a deception, a lie, a trap that the devil sets for you. No one is older than they think they are.
The Devil and other negative spiritual beings use the greed of some human beings, so that, due to their desire for wealth, they can create complexes for the rest of humanity.
Most multinationals only want your money, they don't care if you are fat and ugly or pretty and thin or ugly and thin or pretty and fat. The job of those who create and produce advertising is to convince you that you are not worth it the way you are, that you are not worthy of living with your current body, in order to then "steal" your money, that is, your life.

The Soul is eternal as we saw earlier, and the Soul is dynamic too. The Soul wants to constantly develop, so never stop. People who stop do grow old.
We are always developing, we are always moving even when we are standing still because the Soul is dynamic, and when we think we are standing still, we are "developing" backwards and then we do grow old. Our Soul ages.

"Never throw in the towel." It is never too late to start over. It is never too late to regain youth, and in one year you can do more than in your entire previous life, and next year you can do even more than in your entire life, and the next year even more.
Your Soul is what "fills" your physical body with energy. By keeping a young and active Soul you will also have a young and active mind and body.

Damian Alvarez

Get the book  "Learn to Live"  (link), by Damián Alvarez