Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System. We educate and heal the world |
Yaiza Dorta Sanabria. Teacher and Therapist for 14 years |
Silvia Hernández Hernández. Teacher and Therapist for 10 years |
M. Jesús García Presa. Teacher and Therapist for 18 years |
Beatriz Pallés Darias. Teacher and Therapist for 17 years |
Mercedes Pérez Carbajo. Teacher and Therapist for 12 years |
Conchi Pérez Hernández. Teacher and Therapist for 17 years |
Pepa Martín Armas. Teacher and Therapist for 15 years |
Vanessa Herrera Martín. Teacher and Therapist for 10 years |
Isidro Goya Montoro. Teacher and Therapist for 9 years |
Eugenia López González. Teacher and Therapist for 12 years |
Gunilla Rosenberg. Teacher and Therapist for 22 years |
Maria Teresa Rodrujeo. Teacher and Therapist for 20 years |
Francisco Pio Yanes. Teacher and Therapist for 20 years |
Auxi Hernández Pérez. Teacher and Therapist for 10 years |
Damian Alvarez. Teacher and Therapist for 30 years |
Paola Ascanio Pallés, 10 years of Studies, Practices and Experience |
Pablo Rodriguez Cano, 9 years of Studies, Practices and Experience |
Sara García Zamorano, 9 years of Studies, Practices and Experience |
Well-trained and experienced teachers and therapists |