You are your own Healer and if you do not Love yourself you will never heal. Accept yourself as you are, try to improve, but don't set impossible goals, be practical. Love yourself unconditionally. You are Unique, you are the best you have. Don't hate yourself for who you are or who you are not. Don't hate yourself because you are not what others want you to be. Do not try to be special to defend your dignity and try to be "a unique disfigurement, a lie, a deception" that does not exist. Be yourself and you will be "a True Unique" with a value that only corresponds to "Unique and Original Works of Art", with incalculable value. Love yourself for who you are.
Follow your Mission in Life and do not judge yourself negatively, learn from your "mistakes and failures" that are never mistakes as long as you are acting with Love and enjoying your Life.
You have the right to be Loved for who you are, you do not need to buy Love by pretending to be "someone" you are not. Don't follow "fads", traditions or external beliefs that only make you self-conscious and want your money.
Let no one try to convince you of how it should or should not be. People who believe that they are their clothes, their money, their possessions will never be happy. So let no one try to convince you that you have to be one way or another to be happy. "A blind man cannot lead another blind man"
Do, Act, Live as you wish, with Love, a lot of Love for Yourself. Trust your Inner Child, Yourself and He will guide you, because He knows you best.
Relate to others positively, Love others. Our relationships must be based on Love, be they relationships as a couple, parental, friendly, work, or social.
Loving relationships are healthy relationships. Relationships based on Fear, Interest, Convenience, Use, Control, Intimidation, etc. They are not healthy relationships because they take away our Free Will and do not allow us to be Ourselves.
Love others as Yourself and if They do not Love You it will not bother you at all, it will not make you suffer, it will not make you sick, because your Love is Unconditional and Selfless. The Love that is not reciprocal returns to the one who "sends" it and heals it. Selfless Love is "above" Sorrows, Heartbreaks, Bad Conscience, Feelings of Guilt, Worries and a long etcetera.
But how do we realize which relationships in our lives are loving and positive and which ones are not?
Simple. In any relationship in which you have to play "a role" as if in a play it is not a Loving relationship, however, in any relationship where you can be Yourself it is a Loving and Positive relationship.
Change, be Yourself in all your relationships, Love (Be Yourself) or eliminate that negative relationship from your Life. Don't be afraid of losing "friends" or "loved ones" who are neither your friends nor your loved ones. Love heals, Fear (in all its aspects) makes you sick.
Love the Creation as Yourself and Love God because You are the Creation and without the Divine Creation and without God you will find yourself alone and sick. Love is neither Created nor Destroyed, Love flows through Good-Hearted Beings to Good-Hearted Beings as Springs of Water of Life, Healing Bodies and Souls.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
If you really know how to heal, you can truly love.
Get the Book "School of Love of the Tinerfe Healing System" (link)