Learn to Live Prudently and Smartly, Healthy and Happy |
- Before reaching "anywhere"
- Before leaving your house
- When you feel that "something" is wrong
- When you see "something" that is Shocking / Traumatizing / Frustrating / Distressing
- When you see "something" that you do not like, change it, visualize it in a positive way
- Protect your companions
- Protect your family
- Protect yourself in the morning when you get out of bed
- Protection Prayer
- Protection Bubble
- Site Protection
- Negative Energies Cleanse
- Cross Arms (Solar Plexus Protection)
- Protect yourself before answering the phone
- Protect food
- Have Faith (do as God tells you)
- Act with Love (the opposite of Fear)
- Use Obsidians, Hematites and Black Tourmalines
- Heal your Life with Love
- Protect yourself from your own negative thoughts
- Become aware of how the Negative Energies of the Planets affect you
- Avoid difficult situations
- Avoid arguments
- Avoid crowds of people
- Avoid places where you don't feel "comfortable"
- Protect yourself from "sins"
- Don't "open up" to Negative Energies: Drugs, Alcohol, Witchcraft, etc.
Be Yourself and Allow Others to Be Themselves |
- Meets the Reiki Principles
- Avoid Pride (Symptom of Weakness)
- Be yourself and allow others to be themselves (children, the elderly, etc.)
- Have Positive Thoughts
- Ask God to enlighten your thoughts
- Become aware of whether your thoughts, emotions and feelings are positive, if not change them
- Become aware that your thoughts, emotions and feelings if they are not positive are not yours
- Healing Meditations
- Heal your Life with Love
- Weaken your Negative Thoughts by not giving them importance
- Don't get hung up on "the negative." Obsess over positive thoughts: "God is Great, Life is Wonderful"
- Do not become obsessed with Negative Spiritual Energies / Beings. Live Life: "Give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's"
- Get Self-Healing Therapies every day
- Use Quartz Crystals in Self-therapies and Meditations
- Use Music Therapy and Chromotherapy often
- Retreat once a week to nature (sea or beach) without contact with other Human Beings and without a telephone, so that your Chakra System can rest and recover
- Walk, swim, make love
- Do not let anything stop you. Set Goals and get them
- "Happy is the one who does what he wants and feels satisfied / fulfilled with it"
- "Watch and Pray" (Stay "Awake" and close to God)
Damián Alvarez at http://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/
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