Wednesday, November 4, 2015
The Aura
The Aura is not a halo of light that seers see around the human physical body. The Aura is a conglomerate of energy bodies of different vibrational frequencies overlapping each other.
It is shown that two or more "stuff" can occupy the same place if they have different vibrational frequency. For example they can occupy the same place at any time Sound, light, air, etc.
What the Seers see is only that part of the energy bodies of the human being, that being larger than the physical body, expand beyond it.
Apart from the physical body, which is actually Energy, the Human Being (as created in the image and likeness of God) Seven Energy Bodies comprise overlaid with different vibrational frequency.
Those bodies which compose the spiritual human being are: physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, astral body / Body of Desires / Sentimental Body, Body Cetérico, heavenly body / Celestial Body and Divine Body.