Main Power tube passing through the center line of the body, uniting and connecting the Transpersonal Chakras. In the Hara Line System is our major chakras.
The story of our life is imbued in this tube Light. The closer to the coccyx closer to our birth and early childhood and the nearer the neck closer to the future, of change, of development.
Light from the Soul Star enters the crown chakra and through our physical body in a straight line "out" by the Hu-Yin point, located between the genitals and anus, where the Base chakra is energetic center. That Light continues its way to the Earth Star, where the Divine Light manifests on Earth through us.
When we die we deconectamos Star Earth and climb the Hara Line (famous tunnel) where we spend our life in chronological order. In the crown chakra we see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the Soul Star.
Damián Alvarez