Saturday, December 28, 2024

Give the Gift of Health this Christmas. Give Books on Natural Therapies (Gifts for the Soul)

Natural Therapies are in Fashion

This Christmas
Don't forget to Give Health.
They will thank you infinitely.

Titles such as "The Magic of Quartz Crystals", "Interaction and Energetic Resonance between Human Beings", "Meaning and Therapeutic Use of Colors in Vibrational Medicine", " The Science of Healing ", "Metaphysics of Diseases", "I, Healer", Deep Spiritual Anatomy ", "The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life", "Sacral Chakra, Passion of Life",  are just a small selection on the subject of the 156 Books published by Damián Alvarez in just 9 years.

Get Damián Alvarez's Books at his

Friday, December 27, 2024

Give Love this Christmas. They will thank you with all their hearts

Give Love this Christmas. Dare to be Yourself

Don't forget to give love this Christmas.
They will thank you infinitely.

"School of Love of the Tinerfe Healing System", "The Virtues of the Heart", "Learn to Love", "Perfection in Love", Heart Chakra, the Love of your Life" and "The Great Era of Love has already Begun"  are just a small selection on the subject of the 156 Books published by Damián Alvarez in just 9 years.

Get Damián Alvarez's Books at his

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Happy Birthday Little Jesus of my Life!

Celebrating Christmas, in my heart, all year long


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Be yourself and you will be Loving

You are Love. Be yourself and you will be Loving.

Living with love is the human being's ability to be himself. When you are yourself you are truly loving. So we can talk about charisma as the human being's ability to be himself, the human being's ability to express love. Charisma is the one who expresses love in all senses of his existence. Charisma is the necessary "dose" with which one must take "love" to heal and not get sick.

But how do you love in practice?
Knowing the Human Spiritual Anatomy and knowing that life flows through the human being to the physical manifestation we can say that you love when:

Crown Chakra: You love God
Third Eye Chakra: You think with Love
Throat Chakra: You learn, teach, speak, plan, develop with Love
Heart: You love other human beings
Solar Plexus Chakra: You love yourself
Sacral Chakra: You create, you work with Love
Base Chakra: You love Creation

Beauty and Physical and Mental Health. Manifestation of Love

The positive side effects of such a “wonderful medicine” would be:

Crown Chakra: Fullness, Inner Security, Spiritual Peace
Third Eye Chakra: Mental Peace
Throat Chakra: Spiritual Development, Balance
Heart Chakra: Peace, Joy, Happiness
Solar Plexus Chakra: Security, Self-love, Self-esteem, Self-confidence
Sacral Chakra: Passion, Vital Force, Sexual Potency
Base Chakra: Healthy and Slender Body

The “universal medicine” (love), has no contraindications, negative side effects and it is impossible to die from an overdose.

Damián Alvarez at
34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Friday, December 20, 2024

Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions unite more than Physical Bodies

Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions
unite more than Physical Bodies

There is no physical connection between human beings, but there is a basic contact of heat, electricity and magnetism, through minor chakras, acupuncture points, nervous system (skin sensitivity), perhaps meridians (etheric body), but not a deep energetic interaction between their bodies, which implies that the only true connection that can exist between human beings is spiritual and not physical, although, nowadays, the most “elevated” is believed. We can call the physical connection “animal connection” that occurs between all living beings, and that does not necessarily imply an emotional, sentimental, mental, much less spiritual connection. It is only based on the survival instinct and is governed by basic vital impulses.

The relationship between incarnated and non-incarnated human beings, if it happens, would only be through the spiritual chakras and with the permission of the Lords of Time, since, when a human being disincarnates (that is why he disincarnates), he loses his physical chakras. The relationship between incarnated and disincarnated human beings does not usually occur, although it is the desire (due to insecurities, attachments, missing) of many incarnated humans. The Bible echoes this saying that “we should not contact the dead, which are aberrant practices,” and that “the dead cannot influence the lives of the living,” no matter how much you hear about it. The experiences that many human beings have with disincarnated people are usually the work of negative spiritual beings and they never help, on the contrary, they usually create more problems.

Damian Alvrez at
34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Reiki, Burps and Yawns (All Reiki Energy Releases). A Unique Publication by Damian Alvarez

The Only Book on Reiki Burps and Yawns

Nowadays, many Masters and Practitioners of Reiki and other Healing Systems have started to burp, yawn, etc., during their Therapies, and they wonder what is happening to me, why is this happening to me? But since there is no Master with enough experience, there are mostly only silly answers, useless answers, incomplete answers or wrong answers. Sometimes, there is not even any answer from these (supposed) Masters to their students.

But, keep in mind that almost 30 years ago, the Tinerfe Healing System was consciously removing energy blockages in the body and soul of recipients of the Therapies and society in general, through belching and yawning. The above places the Tinerfe Natural Healing and Therapeutic System at the forefront of Vibrational Medicine and Healing Systems worldwide.

Are you a Reiki Master or Master of other Healing or Therapeutic Systems, and you get bloated, nauseous, dizzy, etc., during Healing Sessions, or maybe you are a person who only feels the need to yawn and burp when in contact with other people? Whatever your case, this is the book you have been looking for for so long. In this work, Damián Alvarez will explain to you what is happening to you, in a simple and logical way. In addition, you will be able to educate yourself in the true Art of conscious Healing and not just be a mere channel of healing energies, while you see that your life is going, every day, more and more, going down the drain, ...

... Damián Alvarez, as a Reiki Master, feels obliged to answer the many questions of people who practice the Reiki Healing System and who have not received an answer or have received an incorrect or incomplete answer.

Get the book  "Reiki, Burps and Yawns"  (link) ,
by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on the Amazon Editorial  (link)

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Give Love this Christmas. They will thank you with all their hearts

Give Love this Christmas. Dare to be Yourself

Don't forget to give love this Christmas.
They will thank you infinitely.

"School of Love of the Tinerfe Healing System", "The Virtues of the Heart", "Learn to Love", "Perfection in Love", Heart Chakra, the Love of your Life" and "The Great Era of Love has already Begun"  are just a small selection on the subject of the 156 Books published by Damián Alvarez in just 9 years.

Get Damián Alvarez's Books at his

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Love as a natural habitat for human beings

Love is the Natural Habitat of the Human Being. Health and Happiness

Illnesses do not come alone nor are they sent by God. Let me explain:

We have been educated to believe that we are "something" that we are not and on top of that we have been educated with fear and in a negative way. This is the beginning of all imbalance and illness. The "system" has deceived us into believing that we are something that we are not (physical body, possessions, age, race, religion, traditions, prejudices, taboos, erroneous teachings, etc., etc.,)
No one ever taught us the truth, that all we are is love, beings created in the image and likeness of God. By living outside of our natural habitat (love), that is, in fear, we are unhappy, we get sick and we die, and that's it, period.

Of course, you would now need a teacher who would teach you to live with love and banish from your life all the fear that has been instilled in you so that you do not continue to get sick. Also, a teacher who can heal you and teach you how to heal yourself.
I can only recommend the teachers of the Tinerfe Healing System.

Learn to Love. You Deserve It. Don't Let Them Deceive You Anymore

The beginning of the disease:

As long as we think that we are "someone" or "something" we will become ill. If, for example, we think that we are our possessions or our work, then sooner or later we will become afraid. Fear, being the opposite of love, that is, our essence, will make us ill. 

The fear of getting sick, of losing our job, our income, our youth, etc., etc., etc., makes us sick. We also get sick from losing one day, or having taken away from us, that which we believed in, loved, satisfied us, led us to act, etc., and that which we believed we were (everything with which we identify ourselves).

Traumas, sorrows, frustrations, and life's losses are only manifestations of living in fear and of living believing that we are someone, and the "prelude" to spiritual illnesses first and then to sentimental, emotional, psychic, psychosomatic, and physical illnesses. If we did not believe that we are something that we are not and therefore something fragile and ephemeral that we can lose or that can be taken from us, we would never get sick, on the contrary: "Rivers of the water of life would flow through us for all eternity."

34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Monday, December 16, 2024

Benefits of Immediate Karma. The Law of Good Harvest

To love and be loved is a consequence of immediate Karma. Your Harvest

Regarding future incarnations in animal bodies, it is logically and scientifically impossible because a being created in the image of God, with a perfect spiritual anatomy, could not possibly be incarnated in any kind of animal.

Karma, like the Law of Sowing and Reaping, is something else, and it does not have to be good or bad, but it "is".
It is clear that if I sow nettles I do not reap potatoes or vice versa, but that does not mean that nettles are bad or that potatoes are better than nettles.

Jesus Christ said that we should love others as ourselves. This is the Law of the Good Harvest. It is quite clear that if we experience something bad we also believe that we will do the same evil to other people, therefore, the phrase  "do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you " illustrates what I am trying to explain.

Karma is wonderful for people who do good, that is, who plant love, because, without a doubt, they will reap love, even if it is only (really a lot), the fruit of the joy and happiness that doing good brings: a good conscience, feeling at peace, fulfilled, being able to sleep peacefully.

Don't take "anything for granted." Become aware of the Wonders of Karma

I have written here and there that  most people do not live in duality but in a "negative unity" because they have been brought up in a negative way. If we experienced life events mostly in a positive way instead of a negative way, then we would not get sick or be unhappy. "Positive unity", living in love over circumstances, would make us very happy, but, despite myself, this is not the case.

On the other hand, we take the good things that happen in our lives for granted. No one complains about how well things are going for them. No one complains about being completely healthy, happy, and having financial well-being, but being happy, healthy, and having a good financial situation are also a manifestation of karma, of the seeds that we have planted earlier in our lives, so it follows that karma is wonderful for good-hearted people.

When some people talk about their karma as something negative, they are really sentencing themselves, otherwise, for them, karma would also be wonderful.

Damian Alvarez at

34 Years Healing and Educating the World

Get the book  "The Great Awakening of Consciousness"  (link),
by Damián Alvarez

Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Give Wisdom this Christmas. Surprise Everyone with the Books of the Tinerfe Healing System (They Will Thank You)

This Christmas help expand the Tinerfe Healing System
Visit:  Damián Alvarez's Author Page on Amazon  (link)

Many times over the years, my friends, all Healers or Healing Masters, have asked me what they could do to spread the Tinerfe Healing System around the world.

Well, this Christmas you have the opportunity to do good for humanity and for yourselves by giving away the Tinerfe Healing System books.

In truth, during these Christmas holidays we spend some extra money on gifts to give to our loved ones and show them how much we appreciate them and how much they mean to us, so what better than to give away the Tinerfe Healing System books.

And why not give yourself a book too?

The Tinerfe Healing System books are aimed at healing the planet in general and the individual in particular: Healing and protection techniques, self-help and personal and spiritual development books, alternative natural medicines and therapies, angelology, meditations, philosophy of life and books on love and how to love, are the basis of the Tinerfe Healing System library.

You have a choice of 150 titles, each one more interesting and beneficial than the last. Health, peace and happiness are the cornerstones on which the Tinerfe Healing System is built.

Books written by Damián Alvarez, with more than 30 years of experience in the field, considered one of the best Healing Teachers and Therapists in the world.

So, don't miss the opportunity to do a favor to your friends, do a favor to the world, or do a favor to yourself.

Visit Damian Alvarez's Author Page on Amazon:

Enjoy the beneficial reading that awaits you!

Damián Alvarez
wishes you a very
Happy Christmas Holiday Season.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

List of Goals to Create Your Life Consciously

A Goal List is as Spiritual as You Carry it Out

Everything I teach has a meaning.

The Goal List is so you know where to go on the "road" of life. Without goals you are a ship adrift. Also, think about it as a chance for you to practice "Let nothing stop you." Also, if you "act with love" to achieve your goals, you will be doing good for yourself, the planet and all of humanity. 

When you achieve your goals, you will feel fulfilled, and you, as part of humanity, will also be fulfilled by your triumphs. The goals you achieve will strengthen your Ego, your Solar Plexus, your "I, here and now" and you will feel with renewed strength to achieve new goals.

Furthermore, by "acting with love" when you achieve your goals, you will be manifesting God's Will on Earth through you. You will truly be living. God's Will and Yours will be the same. You will achieve everything you set out to do. You will be happy.

Your Goals Will Incite You to Walk Through Life

You will make the Goal List for the short and long term. I know that you set daily goals, and that is good because that way you also practice your potential, if you do not let them stop you and you always act with love, and it is good to plan day to day, but the "Goal List" is something else.

Set 10 short-term goals to achieve. "Things" that you want to achieve and that you think will make you happy or that you think you need. These will be goals to achieve in days, weeks or months. For example: A new phone, hang the picture that has been behind that chair for so long, renew my contact with my parents, tidy up the closet, start a simple project, start meditating, start walking every day, finish that book I'm halfway through, etc., etc.

Long-term goals (also 10) will be those that require more time and work on your part. "Things" that will take you months or even years to achieve, either because they are expensive and you need to work and save a lot, or because they are studies that require a certain amount of time, or anything else. For example, long-term goals could be: Starting a family, becoming happy, becoming a healing master, having my own practice, developing spiritually, or simply a new car, a house of my own, a farm or anything else.

Your Future is in Your Hands. Make it a Reality with Patience and Work

To help you, if you don't know what goals to set, remember when you were a child. Children know what they want and they have no fears, prejudices, or taboos. Remember what you wanted to be when you grew up as a child. It doesn't matter if you wanted to be an astronaut or the president of the government. Put that in your goals, and of course always move towards them.

Someday, I'm sure, you'll tell me: "Damian, I don't know what to do, I feel lost" and I'll tell you "look at your "Goals List."

As time goes by (it could be months or years) you can always go back to your "Goal List" and see if you have really followed the "right path", the path you wanted in life, or if on the contrary, you are going in the wrong direction. You can always redirect your path, redirect your life.

Set Goals, Move Toward Them With Love. Don't Let
Them Stop You. You Will Prove That God Exists

Check off what you accomplish on your "Goals List" and set new goals.
Make a practical "Goal List". Forget about illusions and   impossible fantasies .

You are great, your potential is infinite, you can achieve everything you set out to do. You just have to act with love and not allow anything or anyone to stop you, not even yourself.

The correct answer to the question "what gifts has God given you?" is "power over all the energies of the universe."

!!!Hugs Champions!!!
Damian Alvarez at

Get the book  "Master's Manual of the Spiritual Healing System"  (link),  by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Friday, December 13, 2024

How to Differentiate Human Beings from Beasts: A Question of Love, Empathy, Solidarity, Mutual Support, Understanding...

You were born to love, help, contribute and not to run away 

Would you separate yourself from your mother, father or children because they complained or were negative? Would you abandon them in their pain and suffering? Have you never complained or had negative thoughts? What should we do when we have negative thoughts, or when we complain, according to these people, to take our own life?
Understand that the negative person, the person who complains, perhaps only needs a few words of encouragement, praise, a little moral support, a pat on the back, someone who listens to him and gives him a hug or holds his hand. Have we perhaps forgotten love, empathy, compassion, that which truly characterizes the human being and differentiates him from beasts? Have we not already separated ourselves sufficiently from those who suffer, such as from the 6,000 children who die of hunger every day on the planet, who still want to separate us from those closest to us?

…and what he says about “love your neighbor”, “we are all one and come from the same source”, “unity,  solidarity, support”, “love your enemies”. Was Jesus Christ wrong according to those religious leaders, spiritual guides and psychologists, when he said that every time we helped our neighbor, we were really helping him? Was Jesus Christ wrong when he said that we should love our neighbor's child as much as our own? I don't think so…

34 Years at your Side (very close)