Thursday, June 30, 2022

Teachings for the Day After (... and serene as children, we will be like children). Great Work of Damian Alvarez

Teachings for the Day After

The Day After Has Already Arrived

About 20 years ago, when I came back from Sweden to Spain, I was in a big hurry to teach my students the important philosophy of life that God had blessed me with, but one night, a voice told me "don't be in a hurry, this is not for now but for after what is to come comes". Since then, I always told my students (everyone can confirm it), that "the teachings of the Tinerfe Healing System were not for now but for after what is to come, come on", that is, for "The Day After ".

Here I am now, after 20 years, recommending the "Teachings for "The Day After"". We must rebuild the world and ourselves in a dignified way, based on love. The conscious re-connection with nature, with ourselves, with other human beings and, above all, with God, is no longer just an uncertain utopia but a clear and necessary reality (really mandatory).

Love: Key to the Re-connection of the Human Being
with himself, with Creation and with God

This year, in which the XXX Anniversary of the creation of the Tinerfe Healing System is celebrated, how by divine work, "The Day After" is already glimpsed on the near horizon. Understanding the meaning of our existence and living in our natural habitat will return us to the paradise where we were created and that we deserve by divine mandate and in our own right.

We should not wait any longer, we still have time to not only save the planet, but to save ourselves as well. The future is ours, the world is in our hands. Life is Wonderful and God is Great and Good.

Enjoy this great Book and may it be of great benefit to you!
Damian Alvarez

Get the Book  "Teachings for the Day After"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)

Human Being, Culmen Work of Creation, Culmen Work of the Creator

Human being. Only Being that contains Physical and Spiritual aspects

It is a fact that when someone speaks with the same words as Jesus Christ, he is branded as crazy.

It is pathetic that the human being, the culmination of creation, the only spiritual being in the universe created in the image and likeness of God, is undervalued in such a way as it has been for millennia, and continues to do so, to the point of excluding itself from the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Damian Alvarez

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia). Great Work of Damián Alvarez Now Available Worldwide

Books for the Day After. Books for the True Reality
An Encyclopedia of Damián Alvarez

This work is a compilation of books written by the author based on the philosophy of life that emerged in his classes, gatherings, healing congresses, natural therapies and personal and spiritual development, where he always explained that what he taught "was not for now but for after what is to come, come", that is, for the "Day After".

These books must be read each one in its own context, and not the four as a single work, since, in each of them, there are chapters that are also repeated in the others. This is because the topics covered are intertwined, and just as you can't talk about life without talking about happiness, you can't talk about spiritual development without talking about love.

Without love you cannot achieve happiness in life, and that is the cornerstone of the awakening of consciousness.

"Learn to Love", "Learn to Live", "The True Key to Happiness" and "The Great Awakening of Consciousness" are inseparable works, and the wisdom of one transcends the others, overflowing and uniting them in an eternal whole. and infinite, real and wonderful.

In any case, repeating some true teachings to ourselves is fair and necessary, since they require us to embed them in our soul in order to put them into practice in our daily lives, turning them into practical, modern wisdom, and erasing with them all those past erroneous teachings. that have led us to unhappiness, unhappiness and disease.

An unprecedented work, written yesterday when it was today for the day after. A work that does not limit the computation of human time but, on the contrary, is imperishable, like the soul and life itself.

Damian Alvarez

Get the Work  "Books for the Day After (The Great Encyclopedia)"  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page in the Amazon Publisher  (link)

The Science of Healing

Therapists of the Tinerfe Healing System. The Science of Healing

The question has been omitted to maintain the anonymity of the querent.

Hi S,

I am a Therapist and I work with the Science of Healing. There is no proof that we have had previous lives. The Karma that you have "earned" in this life is something else, and more than enough. Of course you can inherit sins and illnesses from your ancestors but everything heals. You must first heal this life and then think about some supposed past life and a supposed karma from previous lives. Don't you think? Think that it takes a lifetime to heal a life, and we hardly have time to heal this one, the current one. So forget about previous lives and past karmas that may not exist. If one day you get to heal your current life completely (I don't know anyone who has achieved it) then we'll talk about "other lives".

It doesn't help me at all, it's not necessary, that you tell me who and how has sent you negative energies, for two reasons: First, because I make my own diagnoses, and I don't take what people tell me. I am led/guided by what people's souls tell me and not by their words. Second, my job (among other things) is to undo negative energies, regardless of who sent them to you. I undo negative energies, and I have no need to know "who do you think sent them to you".

Our Therapies and Diagnoses are based on Scientific Study

What you tell me about "moorings", "spirits", "exorcisms", entities, etc., gives me to understand that you have spent a lot of time consulting people in the trade, because it is clear that they are not your ordinary words, your vocabulary. What you call "moorings", we call "energy blockages due to external negative energies". What you call "spirits" or "entities", we call them "negative spiritual beings". What you call "exorcism", we Therapists call it "Release of negative energies". 

Be careful where you get into, and what they have put into your head, because you are not possessed, nor have they "moored" you in any way. What happens to your legs is just energy blockages due to worries, insecurity, uncertainty, despair, doubts, etc. all symptoms of your blocked Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra, Energy wants to flow and the blockages in the legs that I mentioned before prevent it, so it creates so much tension that it seems that you have been paralyzed, period.

We do not digress, we do not fill pages. We are exact. pure science

Neither possessions, nor moorings, nor eight quarters.

What if I realize (anyone would) from your long letter, that you really need to talk to someone, and that's all.

That they try to stop you because you have an important mission in life is true, but that happens to many of us, and if you do not allow anything to stop you (always acting with love) then nothing will stop you. Do not believe your own words: "my soul and my body are so weak that I cannot..." because there is no being more powerful than the human in the entire universe. Don't let them fool you.

We speak clearly, so everyone understands. Our Books confirm it

I recommend that you forget everything they have told you, the only thing they have achieved is that you become obsessed.
I do Therapies and I explain to you, but without straw, without rambling. Diagnoses short, precise, concise, logical, easy to understand. Yes, the things of God are so easy to understand that even children understand them.
I also recommend that you learn the Tinerfe Healing System because it is seen that you are a potential Healer, that, although lost, a Healer, anyway.

So "clean the slate" "get your batteries" and forward, that life is wonderful and only four days.


Damian Alvarez
32 Years Healing and Educating the World

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Discover your Inner Light Stripping Your Body

The Human Soul is Erotic, full of Light

You see many charts out there (including my own) depicting spiritual anatomy. These charts are made up of meridians, nadis, chakras, etc., that is, very ugly charts, really horrendous, that frighten rather than attract. Why not put a light envelope on the spiritual anatomy as we do with the physical body so that it is attractive to all?

It is true that the physical body is beautiful, very beautiful (speaking above any prejudice or canon of beauty). When the naked human being is represented as an erotic, sexual, attractive form, as if it were a wonderful flower, then we do not think about the systems that make up his physical body such as the skeleton, the nervous system, the circulatory system, the digestive, etc., but rather we experience it in general, or rather see its total envelope, pleasing to the senses.

The human soul is beautiful, very beautiful. The healthy human soul is attractive, it is erotic, it is exciting. Full of passions, freedom, illusions, desires for fulfillment, desire to live, desire to enjoy, transcendental love, union, strength, and more love. The human soul is the most erotic that can be found in the human being.

Put a pair of Angel Wings on your Naked Soul

It is not just philosophy, nor is it your own fantasies. Keep in mind that, as much as we say we love, desire another or other people, mostly, others reflect our prejudices, taboos, insecurities, fears.

Undress your body, and if your soul is clean, you will see only light, love, joy, happiness. Undress your partner also of his body, and feel his powerful, exciting, perfect soul.

Put a pair of angel wings on the purity, innocence and truth that opens and surrenders to you: Your partner. You will see, you will feel, you will experience an eroticism far above any worldly expectation. Put on another pair of angel wings too. You deserve them. Enjoy, be happy.

Get the  Great Encyclopedia of the Anatomy of the Spirit  (link), by Damián Alvarez.
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)

Angelic Healing Course: School of Spiritual Warriors of the Tinerfe Healing System

School of Warriors and Spiritual Warriors. Healing Tenerife

"Put on the full armor of God
so that you can take your stand against the snares of the devil"

"No weapon formed against you will prosper,
and you shall condemn every tongue that rises up against you in judgment,
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and his salvation will come from me, says the Lord."

"Because the word of God is living and active,
and sharper than a two-edged sword."

Spiritual Warriors. Put on the Armor of Jehovah

"Because the weapons of our militia are not carnal
but mighty in the Lord to overthrow strongholds."

In you I am confident... I will win!
because you won
and there is no one greater than You.

"So too, faith without works is death itself.
But someone will say: "You have faith and I have works.
Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
You believe that God is One, you do well.
Even the demons believe and tremble"".

...and they will be as mighty in battle, and Jehovah will be with them
"Only the bravest will snatch the Kingdom of Heaven".

"Because we have no war against flesh and blood,
but against powers, against principalities, 
against rulers of the world of darkness,
against spiritual hosts of wickedness
in the heavenly realms."

"Behold, I have set you this day over nations and kingdoms,
to uproot and destroy, to ruin and tear down.
and to plant and build again."

"If anyone conspires against you, he will do it without me.
If anyone conspires against you, before you he will fall."

I have given you Authority..., Nothing can harm the Warrior of God

"And they will be as brave 
who in battle stamp the enemy in the mud of the streets,
and they will fight because the Lord is with them."

"He trains my hands for battle,
and the steel bow will be broken by my arms.
You gave me the shield of salvation.
and your right hand sustained me
and Your kindness has magnified me."

"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and above all the power of your enemies,
and nothing will harm you.

The Great Encyclopedia of Sexuality and the Spirit of Damián Alvarez (now also available in Spain)

Sacred Sexuality and Spiritual Development
(A new work by Damian Alvarez)

When you have achieved a healthy active sexual life (the more active the healthier), the energy blockages in your sacral chakra, and in many other parts of your body and soul, will have been undone.

When you feel sexually satisfied/satisfied, you will be able to develop sex until you achieve, with it, elevated states of consciousness, total integration with the entire universe. Get rid of and become "one/one" with the energies of the orgasm and with the energies of your partner's orgasm. Fall into a trance and have orgasmic "convulsions" with the whole body and soul. Make love with love. Chained orgasms for 24 hours a day. Spiritual ecstasy while having sex. Merge your body and soul with that of your partner. Loss of daily consciousness in cellular orgasms (with all the cells of your body), where, if you dare, and you are not afraid, you can separate your soul from your body or make your body and soul become explosive energy of pleasure and immense satisfaction,

Think that sexuality is a gift from God, a divine gift. Sexual energies make up the seventh part of our soul. Each chakra has seven levels. The levels of the sacral chakra (in relation to sex) would be: First Level: Having sex out of necessity or to procreate. Second Level: Having sex for carnal pleasure. Third Level: Having sex for satisfaction and self-realization. Fourth Level: Having sex with love, as a way of expressing love. Fifth Level: Having sex as a form of communication and an opportunity to develop. Sixth Level: Having sex as a spiritual union with another spiritual being. Seventh Level: Having sex as a ritual of union with God, with the Whole, a ritual of gratitude to God, sex dedicated to your Creator. transcendental Sex,

Get the  Great Encyclopedia  of Sexuality and the Spirit  (link), by Damián Alvarez
Visit his  Author Page on Amazon Publisher  (link)