Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Garlic Water as a Natural Supplement in Corona Virus Treatment

Do not get confused! Garlic clove leaving to owe less
in four to produce allicin before putting it in the water

Garlic contains an enzyme called "alliinase" that catalyzes / develops in "allicin". Garlic thus to produce the sheared , or shredded "allicin" which has powerful antibiotic properties.

We must see what is the nature knew that the "allicin" is only antiviral effective when he finds virus in the body, as might be the common flu virus. In fact it has been used with great benefits in the treatment of the so - called "cold". It is as if the "allicin" was docile, meek, until it encounters an enemy, and that is when draws its powerful weapons.

"Allicin", that is, the chopped garlic and crushed the can not be used preventively because it is only effective contact with virus, that is, if you're healthy, low You better eat raw garlic (apart from the contribution of vitamin C will strengthen your immune system).

"Medicine" very effective if you have problems with your bronchi or lungs is drinking a glass of "garlic water" in the morning, (I do not say before breakfast, but in the morning). Raw garlic is very strong and can at least irritate your digestive system if you are fasting. Also "wash" your throat.

Raw garlic and cutting is a very powerful natural antibiotic

The recipe for a glass of water with a clove of garlic chopped in four has been left to stand overnight will be an excellent antiviral drink. Drink the water in the morning, chopped garlic and leave it at the bottom of the glass with a little water. At night full glass of water again, and I will take to the next morning. A garlic clove will give you for two days.

I do not know if the water garlic is effective against corona virus, but nothing is lost by trying it Also, if you have only mild symptoms and you have prescribed paracetamol or perhaps anything, garlic as water is a good complement to medical school. I know, for sure, that is effective, as said, to "clean up " the lungs and bronchi also is known scientifically that the "Alcina" attacks the virus.

An anecdote, also own, is that being in Sweden a wasp stung me. Explain that the wasp is considered the most dangerous animal in Sweden, and that there are wolves, bears, golden eagles, snakes, etc. At the pharmacy they gave me an ointment containing a morphine derivative. That ointment did not help me at all, since only me "endormía" skin, and the pain was inside, I walked down the whole arm. The pain was inside the vein, and so strong that prevented me sleep, had poisoned blood. I spent two nights as well. A third day I ate a couple of garlic cloves cut tiny on hot dogs. Swelling and redness of the bite disappeared as if by magic, and so does the pain. Indeed garlic cure was magical.

It was no joke, here you can see:
This was the wasp sting that cured me Ajo

I have also tried using garlic with people who had many warts due to be heavily contaminated blood. After strong allergic reaction swelling in the area where the garlic was applied disappeared not only the treated wart but also all other warts.

I do not want to create false hope but why not make it difficult for the corona virus that shit?

It 's no wonder that the monks have used garlic all known pest pandemics. There must be a reason.

* Note that the properties of "Alcina" are also anticoagulant and you lower the voltage so it should not take or people with blood clotting problems or those suffering from low blood pressure.

* Redial also that these, my recommendations will never eliminate treatment recommendations and health professionals. If in doubt consult your doctor.

Damian Alvarez in  https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/ All against the corona virus

Get completely free book  "Natural Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus (Covid-19 virus that shit)"  (link), Damian Alvarez

Monday, March 30, 2020

Free Book: Natural Prevention and Treatment of the Corona Virus (Covid-19 virus that shit). Courtesy of Damian Alvarez with Everyone

Book Prevention and Natural Treatments Corona Virus
Courtesy of Damián Alvarez for all the People of the World

This little book is courtesy of Damian Alvarez for all people of the world. It has been created exclusively with professional and life experience of the author as a base itself. In PDF format, that is, as an electronic book (e-book), which you can download  free of charge  from the following link:  "Prevention and Natural Treatment Corona Virus"

Anyone concerned naturally, so be preventively, or is a carrier of the virus crown with mild symptoms, and / or follow the recommendations of the author does willingly.

Note that, these, my recommendations never in any way exclude treatments or medical-scientific recommendations.

Yes, it is helpful for those who develop mild symptoms. It will also be of great benefit to use the recommendations set out to prevent infections, especially when pharmaceutical products disinfectants have no protectors, and their health systems are at the edge of collapse. So we help them as well if not we catch.

In addition, treating the corona virus with natural medicines popular, simple, cheap, recognized effective for hundreds or thousands of years by different cultures, and also without adverse side effects or contra-indications makes this book a gem in the hands of people with common sense , even when the medical school has not gotten any vaccine or specific treatment to alleviate the Covid-19.

The population of countries without a developed health, or even have it, they can also take good advantage to treat themselves.

I hope that it will be of great benefit, and that  someday I can teach other generations in memory of a war won by humanity to the corona virus that shit .

With love:

Get completely free book  "Natural Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus (Covid-19 virus that shit)" (link), by Damian Alvarez

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona Virus Prevention with Apple Cider Vinegar, the Healers Medicine

Vinegar Apple Cider Can Help
in the Prevention and Treatment of Corona Virus

Apple cider vinegar, yes, apple cider, has been used during the history of mankind for its antibacterial properties (mostly), but also for its antiviral and antifungal properties.

It is said that the Romans mixed with the water of the places they conquered to eliminate harmful bacteria from said liquid and which may cause stomach upsets them.
Warriors servers Japanese "samurai" were also taking apple cider vinegar before facing the enemy in battle, so be strong.

Besides, apple cider vinegar help against common colds and even fever. Apart from controlling blood sugar and / or blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

I know, for sure, that at some time in hospitals in a European country was used to disinfect them.

Some athletes use apple cider vinegar in their diets
for Fortaleza and the Samurai Warriors 

I personally (no kidding), has been the only "medicine" that have taken over the past 20 years and was to relieve a toothache, to treat colds or stomach problems, so I named it " healers medicine ". This does not mean that medical pharmaceutical preparations are used as I have not noticed any adverse effects have.

My way to use apple cider vinegar is preventively (best): a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water, a few times a day will not hurt anyone (to know). I also use it to dress salads and to flavor beans or lentils, and avoid annoying gases.

Anyway, when I have a cold, because I usually take the dose that I explained above, even the best, as I tell my students, is to catch the virus in time, that is, to the symptom less, as if some runny nose, a sneeze, cough, general weakness, or something, because when the virus or bacteria is strong in the body is more difficult to eradicate.

I also take the floor when I have been in contact with sick people, and gargle if I have strep throat, although in the latter case I mix much stronger because not me I'm going to swallow. It would only gargle and spit out the do mix after a while.

Honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar usually always
be naturally recommended. Ancestrales medicines

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a disinfectant in the water scrubbing floors in a damp cloth ( a few drops) to clean kitchen tables or benches and so on .

Although, I, today, I make my own recipe "eye", indeed the recipe to treat common colds is the next, and may help in the prevention and treatment of the spread of the corona virus:

  • A glass of warm water (for honey to be easily deslía tibia)
  • A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • A tablespoon of honey.
  • A splash of lemon.

Stir well (usually recommended wooden spoon)) and take several times a day.

* Note that this recipe is only a recommendation, so, never remove medicines prescribed by health professionals or recommendations. Also, if you always ask your doctor with your questions.

Damian Alvarez in  https://sistemasanaciontinerfe.blogspot.com/

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I stay at home Reading, Learning, Practicing (Learn the Art and Science of Healing)

Books Damian Alvarez unite us and we Sanan

In these days of forced isolation in our homes, we may not know what to do then. if you want long and you thought you'd never have time for it, and now you have it , you can educate the Art and Science of Healing with digital books (e-book) Damian Alvarez, apart from be entertaining and full of wisdom, are also beneficial for body, mind and soul.

There are more than 100 books and manuals healing, natural therapies and personal and spiritual development in the  page 's author Damian Alvarez on Amazon  (link)  which you can download directly to your e-reader, computer, tablet or mobile phone without waiting they will arrive in physical format.

Some of the latest titles published in digital format you present them below to give you an idea.

Thank you all for everything and take great care that we want.
Damián Alvarez

Some of the latest works by Damian Alvarez:
(Now available as e-books)

Get the book  "Sacred Geometry Deep"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "Make Love Like an Angel"  (link)
Damian Alvarez.
Visit your  author page on Amazon  (link)

Get the book  "The Great Power of the Ego"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "Reiki, burping and yawning"  (link) ,
Damian Alvarez
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "Anatomy of the Spirit"  (link)
Damian Alvarez
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "Healing System Tinerfe (5 more years of philosophy)"  (link)  Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "The Smell of the Chakras. The Scent of the Soul"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "Learn to Live"  (link), Damian Alvarez
Visit  your  author page on Amazon Publishing  (link)

Get the book  "The Word of God Music"  (link),
Damian Alvarez
Visit their  author page on Amazon Publishing  (ENLAC

Tuesday, March 24, 2020