Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Symptoms of a Big, Strong and Balanced Solar Plexus

Strong Solar Plexus is Free like the Sun

Generally it is often cited symptoms resulting unbalanced Solar Plexus but rarely quoted in state chakra balancing. More perhaps it incites anyone to heal if he knew the positive symptoms that naturally accompany the energy center to which we refer.
Self confidence
Self love
Personal fulfillment
Mental clarity
Good memory
Active Living, Dynamic
Personal development
Inner peace
Proud of himself
Sense of accomplishment
Tolerance for criticism
Faith in himself
Self confidence
He knows who he is
You know where it comes
He knows where it is going
No bad conscience
No guilt
Life Appreciation
Respect for others and himself
It has "set the record straight"
Know your vital mission
Not afraid of death
You say no
You know how to choose for yourself
Free of jealousy
It knows no envy
It knows no negativity
No known problems
Knows no fear
He knows no pride
Vanity no  knows
Don't known pride
Don't need for methods of evasion
Don't need of social masks
Don't  need to prove anything to anyone
Don't need to convince anyone
You do not need the "system" to live
Insurance ideals
See the possibilities
He lives in a "positive united"
It is above physical duality
It is above circumstances
Will to live
Free taboos
Free of negative thoughts
Negative free education
Free traumas
There has
No dominates
No forces
No threat
Other unmasks
Craving for self-improvement
Humble in his "greatness"
Physical and emotional beauty
Don word
Is the same"
It helps others to be "themselves"
He knows who he is, who created it and feel satisfied with it

It is free like the Sun

Damián Alvarez

Monday, October 30, 2017

Pain in the Solar Plexus and Vibrational Treatments of Healing System Tinerfe

Tinerfe System of Natural Healing

The solar plexus is located four fingers above the navel. For people who do not know what it is, simply it called the "pit of my stomach."
For Reiki Therapists, Teachers of any Healing System, Doctors, etc., it is good to know that the solar plexus is mainly unbalanced by:
-Traumas, Fears, dislikes, witchcraft and contact with other unbalanced solar plexus.
Any encounter with another human being connects our Solar Plexus to the other, that is, an energetic interaction between his Solar plexus occurs.
All we connect to others through the solar plexus and no matter who are near, far or thinking of you off balance for the solar plexus.
Masters have always known that energy follows thought and that thought is as Energy.
The human being is not an isolated and lonely individual. No, on the contrary, all thoughts, projects, actions of one individual affect the Universe, the Earth, animals, plants and other human beings we are all the Universe. You Are the Universe and there is no one outside it.
Furthermore, what if it is not used Healing ?. It is used precisely to unlock, remove and clean energy that causes you discomfort in the solar plexus and other chakras.
Healers, Therapists and Teachers of any Healing System should know:
-We are energy interacting bodies,
-To know how to direct, channel and consciously protect
-Try accurately and concisely where the patient has energy imbalances
-Know what energies, mantras, oils, crystals are specific to treat these blockages.
-To know how to make a diagnosis and be able to explain to the patient happens and why it happens.

If not for healing you give someone who is supposed to be good. It is absurd, no one is good since it was concerned, angry, frustrated, gets upset, distressing, negative thinking, acting, she wants and reacts negatively.
I have written several articles in my blog about why we get sick, why energy blockages occur, we why we die, how we are to therapeutically treat the patient, the law of energetic resonance, the Human Soul, etc., in order to expand a more comprehensive understanding of these issues.
We are all One and that reality entails that all feel of all. The discomfort of one is the discomfort of all, the pain of one is all pain and now that everything is changing at high speed.
It hurts to read that people who have spent years giving healing and they should know that it is normal if you solar plexus hurts me too I can feel it, unless, that healer or therapist is "so bad" that does not feel the soul or energy blockages in the Chakra System for their patients.
It also hurts, that at this point, therapists and healers know not to make a diagnosis of the chakras or know explain to their patients why they are unbalanced or blocked when we Therapists Healing System Tinerfe we ​​learn from the first class.
If these therapists do not know make a diagnosis, or to know what is unbalanced or blocked chakras patient and the will to heal or how you explain why it hurts the heart, groin, etc., the recipient of the therapy.
More and more people who feel the energies, pains in the stomach, the heart, the head, kidney, chest, one eye .... other than their own pain but infected energy by others if they are really sick. Only energy being sick and not "real sick," school medicine treats them as if they were really sick physically filling them with drugs that have many side effects and so sick to the person who was really healthy.

Treatments for Solar Plexus we use in Natural Healing and Therapeutic System Tinerfe are:
-Massage Solar Plexus,
-Fluid-massage Chakra,
- Energy clean and load  the Solar Plexus with Crystal therapy,
-Balancing and loading the Chakras with Crystal Healing,
-Healing Solar Plexus with advanced Crystal therapy,
-Color/Light therapy
-Music therapy,
-Specific healing energies to the Solar Plexus (Karuna Ki, Reiki, Spiritual, White Light, Angelic Healing, etc.
-Extraction of energy blockages in the Solar Plexus through alignment with the Light and esoteric breathing.
-Aroma therapeutic and Cristal therapeutic recommendations , Meditations, Mudras, Mantras, Life Guide and Tips.

Although the best advice is to start learning the Tinerfe Healing System, that is, learn to live in a Multidimensional World of Energy.

(Article by Beatriz Pallés developed by Damian Alvarez (Masters/Teachers and Therapists of Natural Healing System Tinerfe)

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Breathe Reiki. All The Truth About Reiki. A Book by Damián Alvarez

All The Truth About Reik
in Amazon Bookstore (link)

"Breathe Reiki" is an unprecedented work in the history of Reiki worldwide, where it explains in two well-differentiated parts everything you need to know about the Reiki Healing System and that no one ever explained or can explain, does not read this book, of course).

In the first part, you will find topics like "The True History of Reiki". "What Happens During Reiki Initiations," the truth about the so-called "Reiki Principles," the Reiki business and more.

In the second part, all the Reiki releases and symptoms, mistakenly attributed to "spiritual crises" by inexperienced Teachers, are explained, such as yawning, belching, pain and swelling of the stomach, nausea, dizziness, etc. occur before, during and after the Reiki Healing Sessions.

Damián Alvarez

from Damián Alvarez
Visit the Amazon Library (link)

Friday, October 27, 2017

Solar Plexus Treatment with specific Healing Energies

Solar Plexus Treatment with Energies

The two aspects of chakra, both front and back are treated.
Karuna Ki energy: HA-LU, DU-MO, AUM.
Color Therapy: Light Yellow, Golden Light.
Music Therapy: Mantra RAM. Musical note "MI".
Crystal therapy: Citrine, Rutilated Quartz, Amber, Gold Topaz, Citrine + Malachite, Chrysocolla + Citrine, Malachite + + Chrysocolla Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Honey Calcite.
Aromatherapy: Rosemary, Lemon.

Damián Alvarez

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Solar Plexus Protections through the History of Mankind

Naud Runa. Solar Plexus Energy Protection

The Spiral "Prehistoric Human"
Rune Naud
Cross Bones sun dried Shaman
The Solar Cross
Double Cross
La Cruz de San Andrés
The inverted triangle
The Antahkarana
Lamb meat
Tea made with three stones collected at a crossroads.
Chamomile infusion
The Canary Gofio Ralas and Wine
The bread (unleavened) and Wine (the Body and Blood of Christ)
The essential oils of rosemary and lemon
The Cross in the Mandalas of the American Indian
Gold and gold color
Three gold coins
The symbol "number 7"
A key hanging up to the Solar Plexus
La Cruz Cardinals hung up to the Solar Plexus
Guanches Triangles

Damián Alvarez

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Meditation with the Healing energies of Reiki Healing System Chokurei, Daikomyo and Antahkarana to energetically Clean the Solar Plexus

Daikomyo. You are the Light

To practice meditation should be started at third level or Reiki Master.
The following Healing Meditation use the healing energies of Reiki Healing System following:
1. Hands Up
2. Prayer
3. CHO-KU-REI in the Hara Line (to open)
4. DAI-KO-MYO throughout the body (to fill light)
5. ANTAHKARANA in the "Earth Star"
6. ANTAHKARANA climb the Hara Line from the "Earth Star" to the solar plexus by turning to the left.
7. ANTAHKARANA chakra is maintained below by turning it constantly left (to clean) and repeating the mantra corresponding to (paying attention) the solar plexus in three series: ANTAHKARANA, ANTAHKARANA, ANTAHKARANA time it deems necessary.
8. Lower ANTAHKARANA back to the "Earth Star".
9. close to the Energy
10. root

Damián Alvarez

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Eroticism of the Chakras. A Book by Damián Alvarez

The Eroticism of the Chakras by Damián Alvarez in
Amazon Bookstore (link)

"Have you think sometimes the erotic, sexy, that can be the human soul? It has been spoken long and lying about the inner beauty of the human being but without (really), to explain nothing on the matter.

It is true that kindness, gentleness, kindness (expressions of love in all its forms), attracts, seduces. Yes, love is erotic, love is sexy. In fact, when we practice sex with people we respect and / or love, we talk about "making love" and not just "having sex".

We are attracted to balanced, centered, relaxed, animated, happy chakras. We are attracted to people who give off light, by people who shine, as well as night butterflies in the light of a street lamp. "

Damián Alvarez

by Damián Alvarez
Visit the Amazon Library (link)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Solar Plexus Food

The Solar Fruit Banana. The Solar Plexus Food

It is well known that bananas are good for the stomach, apple cider vinegar relieves "the bellyache," the peach juice is one of the few liquids (other than water) which does not harm the liver. ..
It is also known that the solar plexus is the "Sun" of your life. If you have this unbalanced or blocked Chakra you cannot enjoy life, you will feel tired, listless, unfriendly, worried, anxious, nervous, negative, tense, desperate, you may not be able to sleep ..
... Not to mention diseases already manifested physically as they could be stomach ulcers, liver, gastrointestinal and pancreas problems, to name a few.
It is assumed that the Healers must have a Solar Plexus big and strong, full of vigor and strength, as healthy and balanced as possible in order to heal the Solar Plexus "sick" of their patients.
Therefore quoted then show a list of foods that do not follow any "Rule Medicinal" and can "break" with any known diet, which may result in tatters with the theories studied by doctors and specialists Dietary but Thirty Years Practical experience Healing Power and speaks for itself. All you can try and draw their own conclusions because it is not the "bad food" but the energy blockages in the solar plexus the cause of obesity.
Lemons are Medicin for Solar Plexus

The bananas
Apple cider vinegar
Peach Juice
The pear juice
The lemons
The Pineapple
The almonds
The cheese
Serrano Ham
The chickpeas
Jewish / beans
The lentils
The butter
Olive oil (in small amounts)
Olives (they are heavy at night)
Cereals (such as corn and wheat)
The oats
Sunflower Seed
The chicken
Pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, etc.)
French fries!

It is best to eat as much as want, whenever you want and whatever you like, without overdoing.
As Jesus of Nazareth said: "What hurts is not what enters the mouth, but what comes out for her."
Anyway, I would always say to my students that if they have the strong solar plexus can eat up "rusty nails" without getting hurt.

Come in Peace and Tranquility and ... Bon appetite!

Damián Alvarez

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life by Damián Alvarez in Amazon

The Solar Plexus, the Sun of your Life by Damián Alvarez

Damian Alvarez, creator of Healing System Tinerfe, surprises us once again with a work unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Without a doubt the best it have ever written about the solar plexus chakra and Vibrational Therapy treatment.

What is the solar plexus? Why is blocked and unbalanced? How do we heal for full health?

Get rid of once and for all the anguish, anxiety, nervousness, tachycardia, depression, nausea, dizziness, fear, insomnia, migraine, shame, insecurity, respiratory problems, inflammation of stomach, chronic fatigue and many other disorders misnamed by modern medicine as "chronic disease" and get health, peace, prosperity and happiness.

by Damian Alvarez
Visit Amazon's Books Store (link)

Friday, October 20, 2017



Crossed his arms over his Solar Plexus in the moments that make you need protection.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mudras of Solar Plexus. Mudra SELF-ESTEEM AND SEF-LOVE




The following Mudra heals the solar plexus, that is removed from this chakra trauma, breaking energy blockages that may cause you insecurity, fear of failure, doubts, negative thoughts, worries, etc. etc.
A healthy solar plexus will make you feel very sure of yourself, but do not stop there, because with a Solar Plexus Sano your mind healthy thoughts also have self-esteem, consideration and respect for your own person.
Also the hand movements in exchange Mudras (butterfly motion) also break up energy blockages between the heart chakra and the Solar Plexus providing it pride.
Your Ego will benefit getting an excellent safety yourself.

1. Prayer
2. Mudra: palms of the hands together, hands in prayer position between the heart chakra and the solar plexus. Inspire. Exhale and rotate hands joining together using pinkies as "hinge" until the hands touch the back. Inspire and hands return to its original position. Repeat the movement of hands on each inhalation and exhalation
3. close to the Energy
4. Give Thanks
5. root

(Breath of Light. Ideal Meditation Duration 20 minutes)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017




The Mudra presented to them then connect your your "true self" to the Universal Energy Source "divine spark", your essence, God.
Also this Mudra activates the heart chakra and the solar plexus and opens the way between these chakras contributing to beneficiary self-esteem and self-confidence.
The flow of Universal Energy is infinite and powerful as universal beings and we can connect us to the Source of Life getting a lot of strength and power.

1. Prayer
2. Mudra: Rolling index fingers into the thumbs, fingers together and stretched, touching the fingers of his right hand the first joint of the dorsal side of the fingers of his left hand. The palms directed towards the body height between the heart chakra and the solar plexus
3. close to the Energy
4. Give Thanks
5. root
(Breath of Light. Ideal Time of meditation 20 minutes.

You can also try the Breath of Fire with this Mudra for no longer than 3 minutes and inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mudras of Solar Plexus. Mudra FOR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS



The Mudra which follows connect your "bottom" (Ego (Solar Plexus)) to your "higher" (Alter Ego (Third Eye)) thereby achieving Divine Wisdom and spiritual strength.
With a higher consciousness you will understand the purpose of your life, its meaning and understand what your vital mission in the earthly incarnation (Solar Plexus / Third Eye).
In addition you will understand the significance of all your actions, emotions, feelings and actions of others. You can also understand every situation in your life (Solar Plexus / Third Eye).
1. Prayer
2. Mudra: Couple palms of his hands up to his solar plexus but thumbs bent inwards for their first joint and the tip of the fingers pointing forward.
3. close to the Energy
4. Give Thanks
5. root

(Breath of Light. Ideal Time Meditation 20 minutes)